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Carter: I thought I was going to be sick... I'm sorry.
Dr. Greene: Don't ever say you're sorry. See, there are two kinds of doctors: there's the kind that gets rid of their feelings, and the kind that keeps them. If you're going to keep your feelings, you're going to get sick from time to time. That's just how it works.
ER, The Pilot
-177 episodes later
Gallant: I'm sorry... I just thought I was going to be sick.
Dr. Carter: You know, there are two kinds of doctors: the kind that get rid of their feelings, and the kind that hold on to them. If you're going to hold on to your feelings, you're going to get sick every once in a while. That's part of it. Helping people is more important than how we feel. Hell, I've been doing this eight years, and I still get sick.
ER, The Letter (The Episode when Greene died.)

Well, look what the Underground threw up... lets see how well you do in the daylight.

Larry: (showing a photo to the family) Hey, I'm looking for this guy. Anyone know who he is?
Bart: Yeah, sure, we know him. That's Mr. Burns.
Lisa: He tried to kill our puppies.note 
Marge: He sexually harassed me.note 
Abe: He stole my fiancee.note 
Homer: He made fun of my weight.note 
Larry: Okay, so there's been a little friction. Know his address?

Morty: Hey, Rick, that's pretty cool! It's like "Garfield", only that it's "Gazorpazorpfield"!
Rick': Hey, isn't Gazorpazorp where...where, uh, where those sex robots came from? Remember? That whole thing?
Morty: Yeah! Hey, that's a pretty...pretty...that's true. That's right.
Rick and Morty, "Rixty Minutes" note 

"Remember how that happened? That didn't stop being a thing that happened or anything."
Homestuck, (referencing an event from thousands of pages ago)

Leonard: Why do I have to talk to Penny? She's not my girlfriend.
Sheldon: You invited her to lunch four years ago... everything about her is on you!

Character Generator (Arena): While in town the baker gives you a sweetroll. Delighted you take it into an alley to enjoy, only to be intercepted by a gang of three other kids your age. The leader demands the sweetroll, or else he and his friends will beat you and take it. Do you:
a) Drop the sweetroll and step on it, then get ready for the fight?
b) Give him the sweetroll now without argument, knowing that later this afternoon you will have all your friends with you and can come and take whatever he owes you?
c) Act like you're going to give him the sweetroll but at the last minute throw it in the air, hoping that they'll pay attention to it long enough for you to get a shot in on the leader?
Hold Guards (Skyrim): Let me guess, someone stole your sweetroll.

The Toymaker: The show is beginning! Worldwide premiere! Donna Noble, this is for you! Let me tell you what happened when the Doctor...when he was leaving you! He met eine friend called Amy Pond. Und he loved Amy Pond...yes, he be liking the redheads. Und they went to and fro in time und space, but...Amy Pond was touched by a Weeping Angel, und she died!
The Doctor: She died of old age.
The Toymaker: Well, that's alright then! Und zen he was meeting Clara...Oh, but she was killed by a bird!
The Doctor: She still survives in her last second of life.
The Toymaker: Well, that's alright then! But zen ze Doctor met Bill! Not Stooky Bill, but lady Bill! But she was killed by the Cybermen!
The Doctor: But her consciousness survives.
