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Quotes / Combat Tentacles

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"Then I'll just poke him in the eye with a stick."
"But Tentacle Bob doesn't have eyes! He's just got... tentacles!"
"The joke's on him. I don't have a stick."
Peri and Entrèe, Spliced

"Hey thug, what's your name?! I'm about to tentacle your dick!"
Taako, to Kravitz, The Adventure Zone

Muscular, omni-directional and impervious to osteological injury, they provide a kind of three-hundred-and-sixty-degree functionality unmatched by rival appendages. As such, it's unsurprising that tentacles are favored by those capable of restructuring their physiognomy. It's arguably just good practice.
Food Of The Gods by Cassandra Khaw

"They snare us, entwine us, stab us, skewer us, strangle us, tear us in half still alive."
