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Quotes / Colour-Coded for Your Convenience

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"The subscribers' homes are very easy to recognize. Not by the mailbox; that would make too much sense. The entire houses are labeled by color: The white houses are subscribers, the red houses are non-subscribers. Wow. Can you imagine painting your house based on your newspaper subscription? Next time you and your spouse are going over the bills, and they're on your case about canceling your subscription to that damn paper, you'll first have to consider if you really want to go through the effort of painting your house again."

Miko: What proof do you have that you did not vanquish a stalwart defender of the weak in your mad lust for treasure?
Roy: Ummm…its scales weren’t all shiny?
Miko: Ah. Then its destruction was just and necessary.
Elan: Dragons: Color-coded for YOUR convenience!

"Do you see this yellow aura surrounding me? [...] Each god in the same pantheon is unique but shares a quiddity - shares a... uh, let's say essence. Each such essence makes a different color aura when these gods manifest. Yellow for us, blue for the Twelve Gods, red for Marduk's clan. [...] Way back at the beginning, a group of deities called the Eastern Pantheon joined us with their green quiddity. [...] [The Dark One] ascended to godhood during this world's tenure - but unlike other mortal ascensions, he did it completely on his own, without any sponsorship by one of the existing pantheons. Somehow, he tapped into an entirely new color of divine essence - purple."
Thor, The Order of the Stick, #1141-1142

Red is the color of the passions, of blood […] pink bears the promise of blushing into red someday, hence it is stirring, arousing, a euphemism for the flesh color […] Black, black for the night, the nature, the animal descent to our roots, sex and death mix together in blackness […] green for envy, rebellion against death by the living, belligerent insistence on fruitfulness […] Gold is ostentation, a retreat into the material, the metallic. Silver is a half-lie, a pretense of lack of greed. Yellow and orange mimic gold with their hues […] White is the cipher, untainted death, promise of purity, a question, not an answer. Purple is what you get when red has its way with blue, a bruise, a mocking, a bacchanal […] The hunter triumphant wears purple. […] Blue is the color of disconnectedness, of the empty sky, distant and pretending to attain to heaven. Blue thinks that nothing can bring it down to earth.

Green means go. Red means stop. Yellow means go very fast.
Starman, Starman

Pearl: Does Lion have something to do with Rose?
Amethyst: Oooooh, of course! That's why he's pink!
Garnet: It's a little obvious.

"And I guess they chose their vehicles based on their own color schemes? Orange Gobo is in the orange carrot, Red is driving the red radish, Mokey gets the purple eggplant, and the greenish Boober and Wembley are sharing the cucumber. That’d make it easier for each of the Fraggles to find their cars in a crowded parking garage."
— A Tough Pigs article about the Fraggle Rock Happy Meal Toys

"Admit it. If you lived somewhere where poisonous snakes lurked in the underbrush, you'd want to know they were there long before they bit you. So one scientist had the bright idea of turning nanobots loose to hunt after snakes and paint them in bright neon colours. Sure, it's graffiti on an unparalleled scale, but this is one act of vandalism everyone can appreciate."
Data Console, Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
