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Quotes / Closet Geek

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"Rod Stewart, the aging rock star who can't stop wondering whether we think he's sexy (nope), revealed a few years ago that he's into building model trains...According to the National Model Railroad Association of America, his official title is 'Master Model Railroader.' There aren't a lot of photos of Stewart's kinda terrifying mini world because he doesn't open his doors to most film crews. He shows the train set only to a single magazine called Model Railroader, which he, no shit, refers to as 'better than Rolling Stone.' Clearly, Stewart needs to be introduced to SimCity before his train set ends up covering most of North America and nothing remains that isn't stuck together with super glue."

Chazz: Kayla, there's something I gotta tell ya. I was a geek in high school. [the crowd gasps] I had really short hair. I played Dungeons & Dragons, I had a bug collection, I ate my boogers. My name's not Chazz; it's Chester, and I understand if you don't love me anymore.
Rocker 1: I played D&D too!
Lemmy: I was editor of the school magazine!
Rocker 2: I used to wear corduroy pants!
John Melendez: I used to masturbate... constantly!

"I'm in here by accident, understand? Accident! If word gets out I like 'boy stuff', all my friends will think I'm weird."
Trixie after being discovered in a comic book store, The Fairly OddParents!, "The Boy Who Would Be Queen"

Gus: Guess what I've got planned? I'm gonna be Captain Avery, and you're... [takes out a prop communicator]
Hunter: [gasps] Chief Engineer O'Bailey?! [squees]
Camila: [gulps] Uh, how do you know about Cosmic Frontier?
Hunter: All the books in your basement.
Camila: Oh! Ha-ha! Funny how things just show up in basements, right, without you hiding or putting them there. [giggles nervously] Life sure is full of surprises!
Gus: [beat] Cool. Humans freak out just like us.

"OH MY GOD, WE GET TO DO SOMETHING ON VOYAGER?!? know, 'cause, I mean, Boimler's gonna flip. Haha."
Beckett Mariner, Star Trek: Lower Decks, "Twovix"
