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Quotes / Chuck Cunningham Syndrome

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Remember when Jenny existed? Neither does the show!

"Now even though I like that she'snote  back because she's one of the better characters in the show. I'm a little confused as to why she never contacts the other characters ever again. I'm still really confused as to why Darth Vader just fucking leaves the show after season 2. Like, what the fuck was he doing that's more important than fighting the Jedi that defeated him? Maybe he just didn't feel like it, I guess. I don't really blame him. I don't feel like dealing with them either."

Klampon: So, what do you suppose ever happened to [King K. Rool]?
Klubba: Roaches, they be hard to kill. He probably tucked his feelers under whatever rock was big enough to seclude Sobek.
Klump: Well, it's all a bit of hearsay, but I hear he took one too many Kong-induced conks to the ol' scaly noggin.
Kaboom: Wanna know what I heard? I heard he got picked to the bone by a bunch of bloody sharks! (cackles)
Klampon: Bro said "electric barbecue". #SlowCooked.
Krusha: Uhh, I heard that a higher power determined that he, and by proxy us, were unfit to continue coexisting with our Kong rivals, forcibly removing all contact with them and thus leading to a life of hiding.

Cory Matthews: Do you see how important this week is? Saying goodbye to people we might never see again! Saying goodbye to people who’ve been around, but we’ve sort of lost touch with!
Shawn Hunter: Like who?
Cory: Well, I don't know... I guess there's nobody really like that.
(the camera pans over to reveal Stewart Minkus, who hasn't been seen since Season 1)
Cory: Hi, Minkus!
Minkus: Oh, now it's "Hi, Minkus!" For the last four years, it's like I haven't even been in the same school with you guys!
Shawn: Well, y'know... We just never saw you around.
Minkus: I was! I was just in the other part of the school!
Shawn: ...What "other part of the school"?
Minkus: Y'know... Over there! (points offscreen)
Cory: Well, we don't go there.
Shawn: Yeah. You go over there, you may never come back.
Minkus: Ah, that's crazy... (Beat) Hey, Mr. Turner! Wait up!note 
Boy Meets World, "Graduation"
