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Quotes / Bleak Abyss Retirement Home

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This division's greatest contribution to human suffering, however, appears in the nursing homes that it runs in conjunction with Autumn Health Management Systems. Many families dump their great-grandparents in such facilities and leave them to rot, save for the obligatory holiday visits. This is one of Magadon's greatest sources of human test subjects. Without outside attention to the patients, dozens of new chemical and supernatural substances' effects can be studied in controlled environments. Staffers at such facilities are adept at playing off incoherent reports of abuse as senile dementia, further clouding the issue and keeping the patients/subjects helplessly captive.
Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Subsidiaries: A Guide To Pentex

Somewhere upstairs in the big house, a cracked voice called out of sleep. The floor above Grandmother Dolarhyde creaked as someone shuffled toward the bathroom.
A heavy thump on the ceiling - someone falling - and the cracked voice called in pain.
Grandmother Dolarhyde never took her eyes off the fire. She rocked faster and, in time, the calling stopped.

Though certainly reprehensible, cruel and cold-heartedly cynical, the bilking of those unable to speak out for themselves isn't the strangest thing going on in Fourth West...

Transport now to an old folks' home
Where the elderly are tossed on their brittle bones
The orderlies are stealing; there's no excuse
Every day for lunch, they eat boiled goose!
The Lonely Island, "Boombox"

The world outside has no place for you. Aurora House is where you live now. Is reality sinking in? Or shall I ask Mr Withers here to go over things one more time?
Nurse Noakes, Cloud Atlas

Dad was in good company. One old man was daily raped and forced to perform orally. He liked it at first, I was told, but soon learned fear. A woman was hit every time she opened her mouth and sometimes when she didn't. She soon learned to bite her tongue.
In the dining room, hungry old people sat in front of food they hated. Some of it was mouldy, all of it was cold. They had to eat what was in front of them.
All the rooms were cold and dark.
A Positive, by Kaaron Warren
