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Quotes / Bizarre Alien Biology

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1. There's just no such thing as safe sex with some species. (Think mate-then-kill.)
2. Who's to say
she's the one who'd get pregnant?
3. Two words: Andromeda Strain.
Harley Quinn "Chance@Love"

"Dr. Graham – excuse me, Subject G – has a rapid regenerative factor several times faster than what Godzilla has demonstrated. Subject was reported to have suffered at least three instances of cardiac arrest during the gestation period inside Monster Zero's head, most likely due to the sudden growth spurts and Subject's organs – at the time – being unable to keep up with the rapid changes. Organs were already being grown to fit the new body shape, but at some point after the third heart attack subject has developed a secondary heart, what looks like a third lung, a 'pre-'stomach probably meant to filter out toxins in food, and a vestigial head at the spine containing fully functioning eyes and brain."
Mariko describing Monster X, Abraxas (Hrodvitnon)

Hmm, you animals have a lot of heart. Too bad we have ten of them.

Torg: You broke my heart, Anyanka.
Anya: Don't be so dramatic, Torg. You don't even have a heart. Six spleens, two stomachs, half a brain maybe, but no heart.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, "Showtime"

"Every time they are inseminated, they get a fresh injection of the hormone. They are literally fucking themselves stupid."
M'Lai, Chakona Space

"Don't let the chromatophores fool you. I exist in only three dimensions and I have a certificate saying so."
Sam, Freefall

"The Klynn of the planet Tiburon! Their 'life-cycle' consists of two phases: the living phase and the non-living phase! In their living phase, the Klynn are 30 times larger— and exhibit all the signs of carbon-based life...They take in fuel— excrete— waste— reproduce— and so on! But their death is more like a caterpillar's metamorphosis— They shrink, yet continue to exist— capable of movement and speech— even though dead— As Jevik is now!"

Lex Callister: Enough chatter! Everyone lie down, and put your hands behind your head!
Tetrisoid Tough: I can't lie down.
Luna Loxodont: I don't have hands.
Lex Callister: It's times like this I start feeling really, really bigoted.
Junshodan: I don't have a head.

I don't know how you eat with an eyeball in your mouth, but I'm glad you like it.
Steven, to Centipeetle, Steven Universe

"Never have I been so glad to have nine stomachs."
Starfire, Teen Titans (2003)

Wit: Perhaps a story for a child. I will tell you one, to get you in the mood. A bunny rabbit and a chick went frolicking in the grass together on a sunny day.
Kaladin: A chick... baby chicken? And a what?
Wit: Ah, forgot myself for a moment. Sorry. Let me make it more appropriate for you. A piece of wet slime and a disgusting crab thing with seventeen legs slunk across the rocks together on an insufferably rainy day. Is that better?
Kaladin: I suppose.
