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Quotes / Are You Sure You Want to Do That?

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"Read the diary?"
(If the Player selects "Oh... sure, what the heck!")
"You may be cursed by the ghost! Do you want to read it anyway!"
(If the Player selects "Oh... sure, what the heck!")
"I mean, think about this, okay? This could be really, REALLY bad, you understand me?"
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door if you try to read the ghost's diary.

Norman: Please, consider this: if the spider venom gave Parker the enhanced strengths of a spider, then treating the Oz with my own DNA and injecting it mainline, will what? It will give me the enhanced strength... of me.
Guy: You, sir? You want to inject yourself with the Oz compound?
Norman: Glad we understand each other. Let's crunch some numbers and get this next phase rolling along.

George Bush: I've already consulted the NATO chiefs of staff and the decision was unanimous, professor. This island is a refuge for a cult dedicated to the destruction of our very species. It would be irresponsible of us not to strike while this opportunity presents itself.
Charles Xavier: I hope you realize that provoking Magneto this way threatens the life of every man, woman and child on the entire planet?
George Bush: I'm sorry, professor. That's a chance we just have to take.

"Are you sure you want to jump out of a window? This will kill you."

"You would face me, then? 'Tis a fool's choice, Arisen...but better fool than craven. I knew your mind ere you came. Still, I ask this final time...Arisen, will you stand and fight?"
The Dragon, Dragon's Dogma

Eitri: You understand, boy? You're about to take the full force of a star. It'll kill you.
Thor: Only if I die.
Eitri: ... Yes. That's what... "killing you" means.

Pod 042 to player. Please respond to this query. You, faithful player of this title, have lost your life multiple times to make it this far. You have faced crushing hardship, and suffered greatly for it. Do you have any interest in helping the weak?
(If the player selects Yes)
Selecting this option enables you to save someone somewhere in the world. However, in exchange, you will lose all of your save data. Do you still wish to rescue someone - a total stranger - in spite of this?
(If the player selects Yes)
The person you save will be selected at random. As a result, this person...who cries out for help even as we speak...may be someone you intensely dislike. Do you still wish to help?
(If the player selects Yes)
You worked so hard to unlock Debug Mode and Chapter Select...But they will no longer be available to you. Do you...still wish to help?
(If the player selects Yes)
You may not receive thanks for your efforts. Some may say that your efforts are purely for show. Do you still wish to help?
(If the player selects Yes)
And you are truly - TRULY - sure about this?

The Dream Sequencer: "I will now take you back to the time before the big bang and the birth of the very first soul called the Universal Migrator. However, system protocols require confirmation of risk factor. No user has ever preincarnated back this far before. Are you sure you want to continue?"
— "Chaos", Universal Migrator Part 2: Flight of the Migrator, Ayreon

Shoot yourself? In the face?
a) Right in the face.
b) Nevermind.

You've already had two samples, tubby. Sure you want another?
Weeb's Wonka Game if you eat two dough samples.

Are you prepared to battle sheer despair?
Mushihime-sama, when selecting Ultra Mode
