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Playing With / Zebras Are Just Striped Horses

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Basic Trope: Zebras are depicted neighing and acting like horses.

  • Straight: Zoe often neighs like a horse and lets Alice ride on her back.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Zoe doesn't even have a single trait that would define her as a zebra, as she is even kept in a horse farm and is referred to as a 'horse'.
    • Even donkeys and mules neigh in this story.
  • Downplayed:
    • While Zoe the zebra does neigh every now and then, she still is a zebra for the most part and behaves and often sounds like one.
    • Riding a zebra is difficult but possible, being a zebra rider is seen as a sign of being an experienced equestrian.
  • Justified: Zoe has the brain and vocal cords of a horse, or maybe she was raised by horses, or maybe was raised by Alice, or maybe it's how zebras act in this universe.
  • Inverted: Harold is a horse that acts too much like a zebra and makes 'wah-wah' noises.
  • Subverted:
    • Bob is going to attract some zebras, and neighing is heard, but those neighs simply come from Bob's audio recording, and the zebras make "wah-wah" sounds in reality.
    • Alice sees Zoe and attempts to climb onto her back, but she makes a loud 'wah-wah' sound and kicks her head.
  • Double Subverted:
    • A zebra then approaches Bob and neighs at him.
    • Zoe was just playing with Alice and neighs and lets Alice ride her back after the brutal kick.
  • Parodied: As Alice brings Zoe to a horse show, the guards find out that she's a zebra and the show only accepts horses and kick Alice and Zoe out.
  • Zig Zagged: Zoe alternates between Neighing, Braying, and Wah-Wah-ing.
  • Averted: Zoe is just a normal zebra.
  • Enforced: The show wanted to make Zoe more lovable, and they think that making her horse-like is cool and will add funny effect.
  • Lampshaded: "Why does Zoe act like a horse instead of a zebra?"
  • Invoked: A scientist gives Zoe the brain and vocal cords of a horse.
  • Exploited: Alice paints Zoe brown so that she can disguise Zoe the horse-like Zebra and sneak her into the horse show.
  • Defied: Zoe doesn't let Alice ride on her back.
  • Discussed: "I know, Zoe can't act like a zebra!"
  • Conversed: "The writers don't know what a zebra acts and sounds like."
  • Implied: Bob introduces Sam to Alice and mentions she has cool pets, including a Zebra, but we never see the Zebra on screen.
  • Deconstructed: As Alice tries to ride Zoe, Zoe starts bucking around to get Alice off.
  • Reconstructed: Alice then tames Zoe with a carrot, and they become friends. She can still keep Zoe despite her aggression.
