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Playing With / Wrestler of Beasts

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Basic Trope: A character's badass cred is shown by them fighting ferocious animals head to head.

  • Straight: Flash Young fights a large bear, and manages to knock it out with a megaton left cross.
  • Exaggerated: Flash bears the reputation of The Dreaded; He can just shoot a Death Glare at a bear to cow it into submission.
  • Downplayed: Flash challenges a charging bear only to side step so it falls off of a cliff. Still a sign that he is a competent and cunning fighter but less physically intense than typical.
  • Justified:
    • Flash is a game warden, zookeeper, rancher, or in any other occupation that requires working with or will involve large, dangerous animals at some point.
    • Flash is just that strong.
  • Inverted: Flash is introduced nursing orphan baby bears.
  • Subverted: The "bear" that Flash was wrestling is actually a domesticated breed meant to be docile and submissive while looking fierce.
  • Double Subverted:
    • While that particular breed of bear is docile and submissive. Flash is wrestling a particularly aggressive specimen of that breed.
    • Just because the bear is docile and submissive, it doesn't mean that it's weak. It's still an extremely strong animal.
  • Parodied: Bear wrestling takes place in a ring complete with the bear wearing a singlet and the bear himself honoring the referee.
  • Zig Zagged: Flash can take on a bear, but a tiger would be too much for him.
  • Averted:
    • Flash doesn't fight bears.
    • Flash gets his ass predictably whooped against a bear.
  • Enforced: An Establishing Character Moment for The Big Guy.
  • Lampshaded: "Holy shit, did he just whoop that bear's ass!?"
  • Invoked: Those Two Guys Harry Oswalt and Eddie Roque prank Flash by shoving him into the bear enclosure, fully knowing that Flash would make a comical spectacle of himself by punching a bear out.
  • Exploited: Flash uses the newfound fame of beating up a bear to pose himself as The Dreaded; If he can take on bears and win, then nobody would want to mess with him at all.
  • Defied: Flash refuses to fight a bear, he's either not crazy (if he's weaker) or hates hurting animals (if he's stronger).
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Implied: Flash wins a wrestling championship with no prior experience and it's mentioned that his previous occupation was as a ranch hand.
  • Played for Laughs: Flash manages to knock out the bear with a powerful left cross... While screaming his lungs off with the biggest Oh, Crap! expression, and almost wetting himself while fighting said bear, much to the awe of everyone wondering how the hell did this 6'4" Jerk Jock somehow end up in the bear enclosure.

Fight off a pack of wolves and a lion as the Wrestler of Beasts.
