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Playing With / Wizarding School

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Basic Trope: A school for learning magic.

  • Straight: Rowling Preparatory School has a special wizarding track that teaches how to cast spells, defend against opponents' magic and craft magical items. Even students who aren't majoring in magical studies can take the beginner classes to learn simple magic.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: The students are taught to hone their minds using mysterious special techniques, with ambiguously supernatural results like Hyper-Awareness, Ludicrous Precision, and Living Lie Detector.
  • Justified:
    • Magic has replaced technology.
    • Magic is a learned skill, and is common enough that individual apprenticeship is no longer efficient for teaching it.
  • Inverted: In a World… populated almost solely by magic users, one school caters only to Muggles.
  • Subverted:
    • Alice hears about Rowling Prep and signs up, only to learn they teach stage magic.
    • Rowling Prep specializes in science and considers magic to be considered as such.
  • Double Subverted: Because you have to know that first before you can tap into true mystical power.
  • Parodied: On a field trip to the outside world, the students demonstrate a lack of knowledge about anything not having to do with magic—like doorknobs.
  • Zig Zagged: Some of the wizards in the story world went to a wizarding school, while others were apprenticed to a single mage, and one wizard just picked it up by reading books and practicing on their own.
  • Averted: Although there are magic using people in the story, they all seem to have learned how to use their powers naturally, without any formal training.
  • Enforced: The Troperia Broadcasting Network orders a TV series set at a wizarding school, as that's a hot trend.
  • Lampshaded: ???
  • Invoked: A group of wizards, realizing that all their kids will inherit magical ability, decide to build a school to train them.
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: Due to The Masquerade, all wizards must be taught in secret by a single master.
  • Discussed: "Bob, we need to get Alice into a good school that will teach her how to control her magic."
  • Conversed: "Gee, I'd sure like to go to Rowling Prep, like Alice in this story, so I could learn cool magic!"
  • Deconstructed:
  • Reconstructed: Courses at Rowling Prep do fit with educational standards, just with some extensions of logic. Alchemy and Potions count as Applied Chemistry; incantations and spells count as a language credit.

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