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Playing With / Who Would Want to Watch Us?

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Basic Trope: A fictional character is skeptical that their life would make a great premise for a fictional work within the character's world.

  • Straight: Alice is the star of "Alice and Bob" a detective drama. After solving a mystery for a Hollywood big shot, David, he asks if it's OK to make a movie based on the event. Alice asks, "Who wants to watch us?"
  • Exaggerated: Alice details all the numerous reasons why the show's premise wouldn't work, and why it would get very bad scores on the internet.
  • Downplayed: Alice thinks the idea would be better suited as a documentary or a news report.
  • Justified: In this universe, the detective stories are seen as perfectly normal and common. It's not different from watching a movie about ordinary people doing ordinary things uneventfully. Who'd want to watch that?
  • Inverted: After the case, Alice thinks "You know... this'd make a pretty good movie."
  • Subverted: Alice was at first a little skeptical about it, but soon warmed up to the idea.
  • Double Subverted: ... Until Bob points out reasons why this idea wouldn't work to Alice.
  • Parodied: ???
  • Zig Zagged: Alice isn't opposed to the idea of a movie being made about them, but thinks it could use some spicing up.
  • Averted: No one thinks to mention this.
  • Enforced:
    • "We got to remind the audience that this is a television show. so put that line in."
    • This trope is the studio's preferred tactic of Self-Deprecation.
  • Lampshaded: "I think it could get a lot of attention!" "Tch. Egomaniac."
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: ???
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: "Good question."
  • Played For Drama: Alice and Bob’s adventures really are thrilling enough to be in a movie, but Bob denies this because he finds no joy or excitement in his career.
  • Deconstructed: Alice starts to suspect that she is constantly being watched by unknown entities which causes her to become The Paranoiac.
  • Reconstructed: Her Properly Paranoid mindset leads to new exciting adventures of Alice investigating the fourth wall.

"Who Would Want to Watch Us? Nobody! That's who! We're just tropers, for Crystal Dragon Jesus sake!"
