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Playing With / Vengeful Abandoned Toy

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Basic Trope: A Living Toy swears revenge after having been abandoned.

  • Straight: When Bob was a child, he had a teddy bear named Theodore, but eventually left him in a cardboard box when he got too old for him. Theodore eventually came to life and plotted his revenge against Bob.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: Theodore doesn't necessarily become vengeful, but is notably angry about Bob abandoning him.
  • Justified: Bob knew Theodore was sapient, but abandoned him anyway.
  • Inverted:
    • Theodore was originally an evil toy, but being abandoned made him nicer.
    • Theodore is completely forgiving of Bob for abandoning him and even talks about how much he missed spending time with him.
    • Theodore was treated badly or ignored by Bob, and was actually happy when Bob finally lost him.
  • Subverted: Theodore seems vengeful against Bob, but when he finally gets reunited with him, he gives him a big hug and talks about how much he missed him instead.
  • Double Subverted: ...And then he promptly stabs Bob to death.
  • Parodied: Theodore comes back to life and angrily lectures Bob with "How dare you abandon me?"
  • Zig-Zagged: Many of Bob's old toys come to life. Some are vengeful, others are forgiving.
  • Averted:
    • There are no living toys.
    • Toys never become vengeful due to abandonment.
  • Enforced: To have a unique Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds.
  • Lampshaded: "My teddy bear turned evil and tried to kill me. Wow, that's A Rare Sentence."
  • Invoked: A magic user curses Bob's old toys to be vengeful against him.
  • Exploited:
    • Emperor Evulz wants to kill Bob, so he finds Theodore and leads him right to Bob.
    • Another toy suggests to Theodore the idea of getting revenge on the owner that abandoned him.
  • Defied:
    • Bob makes sure that he continues to love all of his toys just so that they won't turn evil one day.
    • Theodore tries to remember that Bob abandoning him was probably just an accident, and forgives him when they finally reunite.
  • Discussed: Bob jokingly wonders if his old childhood toys are mad at him for forgetting about them for so long.
  • Conversed: "Toys coming to life and plotting to kill their former owners... this is like a Darker and Edgier version of Toy Story."
  • Deconstructed:
    • Bob rightfully points out that he had no idea Theodore was capable of becoming sapient, and that Theodore is in the wrong for taking his anger out on someone who didn't know better.
    • The government starts a program to destroy toys after they cease being used to make sure they never come alive to kill their owners.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Theodore is able to realize that he was wrong, and Bob also apologizes to him for leaving him alone and breaking his heart, with the two of them reconciling.
    • Activists start campaigning for the rights of Living Toys to not be destroyed for crimes they haven't committed yet.
  • Played for Horror: While mostly already in effect when played straight, there are still other ways for this trope to be approached in such a manner.

Run back to Vengeful Abandoned Toy before I kill you for leaving me!!
