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Playing With / Vampires Are Sex Gods

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Basic Trope: Vampires have a lot of sex appeal.

  • Straight: Vlad the vampire attracts a lot of attention from girls.
  • Exaggerated: Everywhere Vlad goes, there are literally HUNDREDS of people, from both sexes, throwing themselves at him.
  • Downplayed: Vlad is considered noticeably more attractive than other people, but that's it.
  • Justified:
    • Vlad's vampirism makes him a Charm Person, meaning it's easy for him to seduce people.
    • Vlad, being as long-lived as he is, has a lot of experience with romantic and sexual relationships. And thus, he knows the right things to say and the right things to do.
    • Vlad resides in a country where the symptoms of vampirism are considered beautiful; i.e. pale skin is a sign of a noble who doesn't work.
    • The setting's vampires have the power to make people lust for them, making it easier to devour them. Kind of like how a carnivorous plant attracts bugs.
    • The power that vampires represent, which can be wealth, the knowledge that comes from being long-lived, or just raw physical strength, is attractive to some people.
  • Inverted:
    • Vlad repulses most people until he is cured of his vampirism; after that, he starts scoring big.
    • Vlad used to score chicks when he was mortal. Now that he's a vampire, people are more scared of him than attracted to him.
    • Vlad is adorable and precious, and people want to shower him with affection instead of submitting to him in the bedroom.
    • Vampires tend to find humans incredibly sexy.
  • Subverted: Vlad is a vampire, but the reason he attracts girls is due to being a master of seduction, and very little of his appeal has to do with vampirism.
  • Double Subverted: But they really like his Kiss of the Vampire anyway.
  • Parodied:
    Vlad: What the?! Are you moaning?!
    Amanda: Aww, why'd you stop? Keep going...
  • Zig Zagged: Vampires come in all varieties; some are sexy but there are plenty of creepy vampires and even some that are just losers.
  • Averted: Vampirism is not brought into the discussion at all when Vlad's appeal is mentioned.
  • Enforced:
    • Vlad's insatiable lust and infallibility at seduction are just two of the many layers of Wish-Fulfillment that the author is indulging into, either for personal satisfaction or to attract a certain demographic to his/her works.
  • Lampshaded:
  • Invoked: Once Vlad learns that vampires have STD Immunity as one of their inherent abilities, he decides to make the most out of it by surrendering to his primal instincts and indulging in most depraved fantasies.
  • Exploited: Larry has Vlad turn him into a vampire in the hopes that it'll help him score with girls.
  • Defied:
    • Vlad is trying to keep a low profile to avoid being targeted by vampire hunters, so he must abstain from sex to avoid meeting potentially dangerous people.
    • Vlad used to be asexual before transforming into a vampire and his transformation didn't change that aspect of him, so he doesn't feel the need nor the urge to engage into intercourse with anyone.
  • Discussed: "A vampire, huh? Bet you anything he'll have chicks throwing themselves at him by the dozen."
  • Conversed: "Seems to me that vampires always get lots of sex. Why is that?"
  • Played For Laughs: Vampires tend to treat their condition like an extreme makeover as a result of this.
  • Played For Drama: Vampires become all the more tempting for this reason, so it's easier for them to convince you to just put the crucifix down and step outside, or invite them in for a cup of coffee.

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