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Playing With / Uterine Replicator

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Basic Trope: Through artificial means, be they technological or magic, children are carried to term outside a natural womb.

  • Straight: Alice is grown inside a uterine replicator so her parents can plan how to raise her without the distraction of pregnancy.
  • Exaggerated: Everyone nowadays is grown inside uterine replicators, to the point nobody remembers why they have physiological differences between sexes.
  • Downplayed: Alice is among the minority, with most children gestating naturally inside their mothers instead.
  • Justified: Only women who are at risk of pregnancy complications or miscarriages get to use uterine replicators.
  • Inverted: Through artificial means a species is able to grow their children inside their biological bodies.
    • Artificial means allow for a machine to impregnate without the involvement of sperm.
  • Subverted: Alice claims to have been grown in a uterine replicator, but her mother eventually reveals she was naturally conceived.
  • Double Subverted: ...However it turns out Alice's mother is actually a Ridiculously Human Robot which makes her claim wholly true.
  • Parodied: Uterine replicators are completely inanimate yet considered the ideal romantic female partner. Even by lesbians.
  • Zig Zagged: Alice claims to have been grown in a uterine replicator, but her mother eventually reveals she was naturally conceived. Though with the reveal Alice's mother is actually a Ridiculously Human Robot Alice's claim is given consideration. However her father then explains that Alice's mother is so ridiculously human she has a legitimate reproduction system rather than a built-in uterine replicator. Getting fed up with her parents disproving her claim, Alice decides to clone herself and puts the child into a uterine replicator.
  • Averted: Technology simply isn't advanced enough to make functional replicators.
  • Enforced: "This is a children's show, but Alice & Bob want to be parents... Have their kids grown in a uterine replicator!"
  • Lampshaded: "Why the need for uterine replicators? Is pregnancy really that complicated?"
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: Uterine replicators are specifically used by couples so they can continue doing their own thing while waiting for the kid.
  • Defied: The local governing body, horrified at the potential for uterine replicators to utterly split the two genders, outlaws them.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: "Uterine replicators are pretty weird, what with blurring the line between mortals and divinity." "Dude, they're just external wombs, there's nothing weird about them."
  • Implied: Alice curiously lacks a mother, claiming she never needed one despite her father not being a Truly Single Parent even with the technological advances to do so.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Though the uterine replicators enable women to be mothers without the negatives of having a child, for this very reason uterine replicators become an extremely hot topic as it threatens the beliefs of many. Children born from uterine replicators becoming discriminated against, new issues regarding sexism begin to inflate, and eventually humanity wars with itself in order to keep/destroy the advances brought by uterine replicators.
    • Since humanity is able to just grow their children in uterine replicators, people start to become less responsible with their bodies and actions. Thus, injury, drug usage, cancer and bad parenting rises due to people feeling they don't need to be responsible parents until the child is finally born.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Though the development of uterine replicators clashes with people's beliefs, humanity learns to adapt with others doing so more smoothly.
    • Since uterine replicators make it so humanity doesn't have to worry about harming pregnant mothers anymore, they're able to advance more quickly now.

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