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Playing With / Uneven Hybrid

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Basic Trope: A character has more ancestry from one species than another.

  • Straight: Dracone is a Draconic Humanoid, whose maternal grandfather is a dragon. The rest of his lineage is human.
  • Exaggerated:
    • The only thing draconic about Dracone is a skin tone that matches his grandfather's scale pattern.
    • Nothing about Dracone looks dragonic, but his affinity with dragonic magic is proof that he's part dragon.
    • Interspecies crossbreeding is so common that everyone on the cast is at least a little non-human, despite how all of them look like pure-blooded humans. No one on cast is a full human or a full anything, really.
  • Downplayed: One of Dracone's distant ancestors was a dragon. Dracone himself is at least 95% human.
  • Justified:
    • The species gene is co-dominant in this world, but unevenly so.
    • Interspecies crossbreeding is common and has been for centuries.
  • Inverted: ???
  • Subverted: Dracone's grandfather lied about being a dragon. He was using magic this entire time to present as a dragon. This makes Dracone a full-blooded human, despite any dragonic-looking traits he may have.
  • Double Subverted: Dracone's maternal grandmother, however, was a dragon using magic to pretend to be human. Dracone is 1/4 dragon after all.
  • Parodied: ???
  • Zig-Zagged: ???
  • Averted:
  • Enforced:
    • This universe is a Dating Sim explicitly about dating non-humans, including some which are half-human. Any children between the human player character and a half-human suitor results in this trope.
    • The producers wanted to make the main character special by being part dragon, but didn't want him to be overly dragonic, so he's nowhere near being a full-blooded dragon.
  • Lampshaded: ???
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: Dracone uses his non-human heritage to his advantage to get into places humans can't normally go.
  • Defied:
    • A character looks suspiciously as if that character isn't fully human, but is actually fully human and only looks different due to random chance, a disease, magic, science, illusions, etc.
    • All races in this universe are actually different variations of the same species (like how races work in Real Life). Any "hybrids" are still pure human.
  • Discussed:
    • "You're human, right?" "No, my grandfather is an dragon."
    • "Why does this picture of your family feature a dragon?" "That's my granddad."
  • Conversed: "Are you really part dragon? You don't look dragon."
  • Implied: Ambiguously Human characters in settings where part-humans exist, but whose heritage is never clarified.
  • Played for Drama:
  • Played for Horror:
    • Because of how watered down his dragonic blood is, Dracone's dragonic traits manifest later in life. He was born looking fully human, but, as he grows older, his bones slowly and painfully grow and shift into that of a dragon. During his Painful Transformation, he left in agony and completely unable to move.
    • Dracone can breathe fire like most dragons, but lacks the internal protections that full dragons have. When Dracone learns that he is part dragon, he decides that he wants to act like a dragon and breathe fire. He succeeds in painfully, badly burning and scarring his lower half of his face, tongue, teeth, and most of throat when he breathes fire and is disfigured and unable to eat normally for the rest of his life.

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