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Playing With / Uncle Pennybags

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Basic Trope: A lovable rich character.

  • Straight: Rich is a millionaire who regularly donates to charity and pays debt for others.
  • Exaggerated: Rich is the richest man in the world and an All-Loving Hero.
  • Downplayed: Rich is fairly nice and happens to have quite a bit of money.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted:
    • Rich Bitch
    • Rich is a lovable poor character.
    • Rich is an unkind poor character.
  • Subverted: Rich turns out to be a Bitch in Sheep's Clothing.
  • Double Subverted: After getting a better perspective on how terrible things are for those who aren't as wealthy as he is, Rich changes his attitude and starts using his fortune to make amends for how he behaved earlier.
  • Parodied: Rich has an uncontrollable urge to give buttloads of money to everyone he comes near.
  • Zig-Zagged: Sometimes he's generous sometimes he uses his money to fund corrupt activities.
  • Averted: There are no rich characters in the work.
  • Enforced: "Having the wealthy character be another plutocratic jerk would be way too predictable, not to mention a bit too real. Let's make him generous and nice!"
  • Lampshaded: "You're a lot nicer and way more charitable than I ever expected wealthy people to be, Rich, and that's saying something!"
  • Invoked: Rich's parents want their son to grow up to be a pillar of the community once he's inherited their fortune, so they limit how often they indulge his whims and let him hang around with lower-class people to ensure he empathizes with them.
  • Exploited: The villain pretends to be a destitute vagabond so he can con Rich into helping fund his Evil Plan.
  • Defied: "Me? Donate my wealth to the poor? I'll do whatever the hell I want with my fortune, and anyone who doesn't like that can kiss my opulent rear!"
  • Discussed: "I find Rich's generosity hard to trust. There's no way he's doing this out of the goodness of his heart!"
  • Conversed: "Rich is an alright guy. If only everyone as wealthy as he in real life were that selfless and personable."

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