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Playing With / Überwald

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Basic Trope: An Eastern/Central European Fantasy Counterpart Culture is a land of Gothic Horror

  • Played Straight: Tropesylvania is a vaguely Germanic country filled with vampires, werewolves, ghosts and mad scientists.
  • Exaggerated: Tropesylvania is Germany in all but name and has more monsters than people.
  • Downplayed: Tropesylvania is clearly Eastern European, but doesn't have many more monsters than any other place in the setting
  • Justified: Tropesylvania’s backwardness and superstition makes it an ideal hunting ground for the supernatural.
  • Inverted: Tropesylvania is the only region in the setting without monsters.
  • Subverted: Alice visits a spooky castle in the mountains, presided over by Count Bob, dressed in black. He does not fear crosses, hates blood and loves garlic...
  • Double Subverted: Because he’s not a vampire. He’s a werewolf.
  • Parodied:
    • Tropesylvanian accents are completely impossible to understand, noblemen are required to be a monster of some kind and locals can sign up to a "Be eaten by the Things That Go "Bump" in the Night TODAY!" program.
    • Everything supernatural and gothic in Tropesylvania is faked with actors and special effects to entertain the tourists. The vampire count is a Fake Aristocrat, and the werewolves are wearing rubber and faux-fur suits. The Mad Scientist is actually a scientist, though — he has to pay off his college debt somehow.
  • Invoked: A vampire deliberately suppresses modern technology in order to make Tropesylvania like this.
  • Exploited: Monsters hide in Tropesylvania because the ignorance and superstition makes the locals easy prey.
  • Enforced: Diese Fernsehsendung wurde von Nachtbuilde unter der Reihenfolge von ZDF produziert. translation 
  • Lampshaded: "Why is every Ruritania infested with monsters!?"
  • Discussed: "These kinds of places are so isolated that monsters hide in them a lot."
  • Defied: During World War II werewolves and vampires were rendered extinct by the militaries of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union respectively for being subhuman filth and literal blood-sucking aristocrats, also respectively. Any place which looks the part is either using the castle as a tourist attraction if they have plenty of traffic or for storage otherwise.
  • Conversed: "Haven't you seen one of those old Hammer Horror movies where all monsters come from some place Eastern European?"
  • Deconstructed: The skewed predator-to-prey relationships cause humans to be wiped out in Tropesylvania.
  • Reconstructed: This makes Tropesylvania a favorite hunting ground for monster hunters because they don`t have to worry about collateral damage.
  • Averted: No Eastern European-esque countries appear, haunted or otherwise.
