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Playing With / Übermensch

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Basic Trope: A boldly independent character who lives by a personal rather than societal or divine moral code, and may inspire others to do the same.

  • Straight: Frederic has a code of conduct that authorizes actions that may be considered illegal.
  • Exaggerated: Frederic believes that murder is an appropriate solution to many situations and that it is okay to poke fun at the dead. Pay Evil unto Evil is his modus operandi. Almost everyone else begins to take up his philosophy.
  • Downplayed: Frederic is usually civil, but he makes absolutely sure that some of his principles will not be compromised on for the sake of the law. Frederic's friends take note, but do not readily adopt his viewpoint.
  • Justified: Frederic has incredibly strong convictions and believes in the spirit of civilisation, but does not agree with some of the restrictions it applies, believing that they can straitjacket moral character.
  • Inverted: Frederic is prone to changing his beliefs based on the outlook of any persons, rules and customs he encounters.
  • Subverted: Frederic abstains from murdering his nemesis in vengeance and allows the law to deal with him.
  • Double Subverted: The nemesis is imprisoned, but makes an escape and goes on a crime spree. Frederic promptly kills them, remarking that the event was engineered to draw attention to the trappings of relying on others to do justice.
  • Parodied: Every single character in the setting, even small children, is an Ubermensch.
  • Zig Zagged: Frederic corners his nemesis, but suffers an attack of conscience and allows the law to deal with him. Later he regrets this decision, and blows up the prison in which his nemesis is confined.
  • Averted: Frederic is neither pliable nor rigid in complying with the moral considerations of others.
  • Enforced: No two people in a society have the same code of ethics.
  • Lampshaded: "Why does Frederic always follow his own code instead of one that's already set out?"
  • Invoked: "No Gods or Kings, Only Men."
  • Exploited: If the hero kills, the villain can trigger an attack of conscience.
  • Defied: Frederic considers doing things his own way, but rejects it for traditional moral principles.
  • Discussed: "Hey, just because I don't follow your laws doesn't automatically mean that I solely follow my own."
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed: Frederic uses philosophy to justify his destructive, antisocial behavior towards others. In reality, he's just a bad person who disguises his amorality with sophistry.
  • Reconstructed: Frederic's code precludes acting against people without very good motive. He is acquitted for his deeds in the past, and serves as a Dark Shepherd by targeting only the evil, preventing him from sinking below the Moral Event Horizon, however narrowly.

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