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Playing With / Toyless Toyline Character

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Basic Trope: A character that isn't based on any of the toys from the original toyline.

  • Straight: In "Troper Figures: The Series", a character named Toby is introduced, although he was never in the "Troper Figures" line of toys.
  • Exaggerated: None of the characters in "Troper Figures: The Series" were in any of the original toyline.
  • Downplayed:
    • A figure of Toby does exist in the Troper Figures line, but he's incredibly obscure and may have even been discontinued.
    • Toby was a planned figure, but his design ended up being unused.
  • Justified:
    • Toby is younger than most of the cast, and the series takes place sometime after the events of the toyline. Therefore, he probably wouldn't have been born yet.
    • Toby comes from another place, or even time period/dimension.
    • Toby the lapdog was meant to be in the toyline, but, due to the consistent figure scale, he proved too fragile against children. A problem the cartoon didn't suffer from.
    • Toby the Figure Collector, represents us.
  • Inverted: Toyline-Exclusive Character
  • Subverted: Toby later becomes an actual Troper Figures toy.
  • Double Subverted: However, he becomes obscure and/or gets discontinued.
  • Parodied: A character with a rather egregious case of Non-Standard Character Design (such as a human character in a World of Funny Animals) is introduced in the series.
  • Zig-Zagged: Toby was planned to have a figure initially, but the toy company kept changing their minds on whether to go through with making the figure. The closest he gets to having a figure in the main line is being included in one of the spinoff lines, and those figures of him have a tendency to be discontinued.
  • Averted: All characters in "Troper Figures: The Series" were also in the original toyline.
  • Enforced:
    • "Troper Figures: The Series" changes some things from the original toyline, so it doesn't seem too out of place to add some characters.
    • "I don't care that some people would actually want a figure of Toby. Demand isn't high enough, and the figures in our toyline that do exist are already selling well as it is, so there's no reason to introduce a new product anyway."
  • Lampshaded: "Hey, Toby! Wait, do we know you?"
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: ???
  • Discussed: "I've never seen this guy named "Toby" before. Is he an obscure figure?"
  • Conversed: "Why do some toyline-inspired shows add characters to them? Aren't the original ones enough?"
  • Deconstructed:
  • Reconstructed:
