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Playing With / Tickle Torture

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Basic Trope: Tickling is used as torture.

  • Straight: Alice, one of Emperor Evulz's subordinates, tickles Bob's feet with feathers as torture.
  • Exaggerated: Alice uses all the tools she can to tickle all over Bob's body to get everything he knows.
  • Downplayed:
  • Justified:
    • Alice doesn't want to kill Bob, as he could be useful.
    • Alice just doesn't believe in killing.
    • Emperor Evulz doesn't believe in killing, and disallows his minions to kill.
    • Alice is actually the hero, and Bob is the villain, so Alice doesn’t believe in killing.
    • Bob is extremely ticklish so this form of torture is actually very effective.
    • Emperor Evulz wants Bob to stay in fighting shape as part of his plan, so he orders Alice to choose a form of torture that won't cause lasting damage.
  • Inverted: Alice does everything she can to hurt and/or interrogate Bob, except tickling him.
  • Subverted:
    • Alice looks like she's reaching for a bundle of feathers, but she instead picks up a flail.
    • Bob likes it.
  • Double Subverted:
    • Which happens to actually be a cat toy with feathers on a string at the end.
    • So she coerces more information out of him with the promise of more tickles.
  • Parodied: Accidental Tickle Torture
  • Zig Zagged: Alice sometimes uses a painful tool, but other times, she tickles her prisoners.
  • Averted: Alice doesn't tickle her prisoner for any reason.
  • Enforced: "This is a kid's show, so we can't do anything painful. Tickling is kid-friendly enough."
  • Lampshaded: "What are you gonna do, tickle me to death?"
  • Invoked: Alice knows just how ticklish Bob is, so she prepares for tickle him in the most unbearable way possible.
  • Exploited: As Alice can't do anything more painful than tickling, Bob doesn't talk. Alice gives up on trying to get information.
  • Defied: Alice knows Bob had been through more painful things, so she doesn't bother with things that seem petty.
  • Discussed: "You're gonna tickle me, aren't ya? I can tell by all the feathers."
  • Conversed: "He's already faced a pyrokinetic and has been set alight! Why is he being reduced to a blubbering baby when his feet are so much as poked?"
  • Deconstructed:
    • Alice literally tickles Bob until he has died of laughter.
    • Bob passes out from laughing.
    • Because Alice's methods are so ineffective, Emperor Evulz disposes of her.
    • Alice enjoys the psychology of tickle torture and humiliating her prisoners that way.
  • Played for Laughs: Bob is Too Kinky to Torture, so he actually enjoys what Alice is inflicting on him. She looks back at Emperor Evulz and says "Am I being paid?" Emperor Evulz, all the more enjoying Alice's misery, says "No." Alice haplessly continues.
  • Played for Drama: Alice knows Bob is afraid of being tickled because of childhood experiences, so she uses that to her advantage and successfully gets Bob to talk.

Back to Tickle Torture- ooh, he he he haHAHAHA STOP HAHAHAha...yeah, you get the drill.
