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Playing With / The Tape Knew You Would Say That

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Basic Trope: A character is watching/listening to a taped monologue from another character. When the listening character makes a statement, the character on tape responds as if they heard what was said.

  • Straight: Bob is watching a video that Alice has made and sent him. When Bob raises a skeptical objection to a claim Alice has made, Alice rebuts his objection as if she heard it.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Alice is able to predict everything that Bob says and respond to it.
    • Bob stops the tape and phones Alice. Her answer phone message says "Bob, stop messing about and watch the video."
    • The Alice on the tape tells Bob to stop trying to call her and waits until she gets back.
  • Downplayed: Bob's objection is met with a rebuttal because Alice had included a list of objections and rebuttals on the tape (including quite a few no-one raised).
  • Justified:
    • Bob is very predictable in his responses.
    • Alice is psychic or a time traveller.
    • Alice knows Bob intimately enough to be able to predict his reactions, since she knows him that well.
    • Alice's recording includes multiple responses that play depending on what Bob says.
    • Alice’s recording asked a question with one obvious answer or said a statement with only one natural response.
  • Inverted: Bob knows exactly what Alice will say on the tape before Alice says it.
  • Subverted:
    • Bob raises an objection. Alice counters on the tape, but what she predicted Bob would say was wrong.
    • The "tape" is actually a radio transmitter/receiver, and Alice is responding live.
    • Secretly, Bob already knows what is recorded on the tape, and deliberately steers the "conversation" to convince another listening character that Alice is psychic.
    • The "video" actually contains an Artificial Intelligence based off of Alice that can respond to Bob in real-time.
  • Double Subverted:
    • Bob gloats that Alice was wrong, but Alice smirks and counters with not only the correct response to the previous comment but a response to Bob's smug gloating, adding: "Just kidding..."
    • Alice counted on Bob to find the transmitter, and reveals she already set it to one-way so that only he can see and hear her, in order to prove that she doesn't need to see or hear him.
    • Alice also deliberately set the tape that way knowing what Bob would use it for. If she's this good at predicting stuff, then Bob isn't technically wrong.
    • The A.I isn't even that advanced and/or doesn't have the latest update.
  • Parodied:
    • Bob and Alice start arguing through the tape, eventually degenerating into a childish "Did!" "Didn't!" back-and-forth.
    • Alice on the video suddenly starts saying random answers to apparent unheard questions while Bob listens in confusion. Turns out, Alice attempted to pull this trope off, but failed miserably. Bonus points if Alice's answers underline her personality, such as assuming that the viewers are praising her genius and good looks.
    • Bob intentionally tries to be the Spanner in the Works and does something completely random...only for Alice's recording to respond to that perfectly. Yep, Bob is so predictable, even his unpredictability is predictable.
    • Bob starts a game of patty-cake with the screen and Alice responds perfectly, even when he flubs.
  • Zig Zagged: The tape answers one of Bob's questions, but with an incorrect answer. Bob laughs, but the tape tells him to stop laughing and gives him the actual answer. But then there is a silence, the tape answers a question that wasn't asked and promptly ends.
  • Averted: Bob just watches the tape, and there's no 'dialogue' with Alice.
  • Enforced: "Wouldn't it be funny if Alice knew what Bob was going to say even though she isn't there?"
  • Lampshaded: "Oh, come on! Am I really that predictable?" "Yes Bob, you really are that predictable."
  • Invoked: "Knowing Bob, he'll probably ask for some kind of explanation. I'll just record the answers to his questions, and freak him out."
  • Exploited: Alice uses the tape to send Bob completely insane.
  • Defied:
    • "Knowing Alice, she probably already recorded the answers to any questions I might ask. I'll just say completely random stuff, because that's funny."
    • "Or, maybe, I won't say anything... That's sure to throw her plan off the tracks."
  • Discussed: "Did she do that 'prerecorded responses' trick on you?"
  • Conversed: "Oookay, it's just a movie, I'll just suspend my disbelief and pretend making such a video would be possible."
  • Deconstructed: Alice is only able to "predict" what Bob will say and do through an elaborate hoax.
  • Reconstructed: But Alice eventually gets so good at the hoax that she begins doing it for real.

The Page Knew You Would Want To Go Back
