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Playing With / The Disease That Shall Not Be Named

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Basic Trope: A character has a disease that is implied to be a particular one, but it isn't named.

  • Straight: Alice has seizures and it seems like epilepsy, but nowhere is the word "epilepsy" actually said.
  • Exaggerated: Even doctors and nurses who know Alice's condition don't say it.
  • Downplayed: Alice is said to have a seizure disorder, and the signs point to photosensitive epilepsy, but the phrase "photosensitive epilepsy" isn't said.
  • Justified:
    • Alice lives in a time period where no one knew what epilepsy was.
    • Alice doesn't bother going to the doctor, so even she herself doesn't know why she has seizures.
  • Inverted:
    • Alice is said to have epilepsy but it seems more like narcolepsy.
    • Alice mentions her epilepsy every few sentences.
  • Subverted: Alice has seizures and people make references to her "condition", which is eventually revealed as epilepsy in the last scene.
  • Double Subverted: In the sequel, Bob has a disease which is implied, but never stated, to be AIDS.
  • Parodied: Alice clearly has a splinter, but the other characters go out of their way to avoid referring to it as one.
  • Zigzagged:
  • Averted: Alice is clearly described as epileptic.
  • Enforced:
    • At the time the work was created, epilepsy was such a taboo that even saying the word for it was shocking.
    • The creator is superstitious and wrote the work while pregnant, and she thinks that if she mentions epilepsy, her baby will grow up to be epileptic.
    • The creator can't be bothered researching epilepsy, so if she gets something wrong, she can easily point out, "I never said it was epilepsy..."
    • At the time the work was created, epilepsy wasn't discovered.
    • The work is (at least partially) a Name the condition exercise for medics (in training).
  • Lampshaded: "This is Alice. She has a severe case of probably-epilepsy-but-no-one-calls-it-that."
  • Invoked: Alice decides to never tell anyone what she has, after the doctor whispers it to her.
  • Exploited:
  • Defied: "I... have... EPILEPSY!!"
  • Discussed: "Why does no one outright say what Alice has?!"
  • Conversed: "Why can't that movie/book/TV show/etc just say, 'epilepsy'? It's not a swear word!"
  • Implied:
  • Deconstructed: Since no one says what Alice has, nobody knows, putting Alice's health in danger.
  • Reconstructed: Alice lets the characters know her condition via a Silent Whisper, but the audience is left in the dark.
  • Played for Laughs: Alice's illness is treated like a mind-raping Eldritch Abomination and that so much as uttering it's name, of course rendered in incomprehensible black speech, would drive the speaker to blabbering insanity. It's a common respiratory illness.
  • Played for Drama: A Downplay of Soap Opera Disease; Alice is terminally ill with a vaguely defined disease, but this time it acts like a certain disease (maybe cancer or TB).
  • Played for Horror: Alice's disease that shall not be named is lycanthropy.

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