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Playing With / The Dead Can Dance

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Basic Trope: The Undead in the story can dance, and demonstrate it.

  • Straight:
    • The undead legions raised by Charles the Eternal routinely break into a song and dance.
    • At the New Year, when the boundaries between life and death thin, the ghosts come to the cemetery and dance.
  • Exaggerated: The undead routinely perform dazzling Busby Berkeley Numbers with hundreds of skeletons and vampires participating.
  • Downplayed: Charles is an undead character who likes dancing, but only does it once or infrequently.
  • Justified:
    • Charles is not actually evil, and fights other, evil liches by setting their minions free with the expressive power of dance and music.
    • A Necromancer forces Charles to dance.
    • Dying has given the ghosts new perspective; many of the problems they fretted over were foolish, and their new good sense makes them happy enough to dance.
    • In life, the individuals were excellent dancers, a skill they retain after death.
  • Inverted: The undead causes people to dance.
  • Subverted: The undead try to dance, only they are rubbish at it due to the degraded state of their bodies.
  • Double Subverted: Then, Charles busts out his special magic, and his undead begin dancing in earnest.
  • Parodied:
    • There is an entire school of magic centered around dancing undead, and its practicioners are known as the necrodancers.
    • The ranks of the dancing undead include thinly-veiled parodies of famous real-life dancing stars.
  • Zig Zagged: When the time to dance comes, some undead (like vampires and skeletons) are brilliant at it, and others (like zombies and death knights) can't dance to save their un-lives.
  • Averted: The undead in the story are supposed to be dramatic and threatening, so they never get the need to dance.
  • Enforced: The story is comedic fantasy, and Charles with his undead regularly break into a song and dance to break the tension.
  • Lampshaded: "The time has come, we are awake / The world's fate is now at stake / Now hear the clatter of Death's hooves / It's time for us to bust some moves!"
  • Invoked: Charles tries long and hard to get his undead to dance, since before becoming a wizard and then a lich, he used to be a Quirky Bard, and wants something to remind him of his old days.
  • Exploited: The Hero sees that Charles and his undead legions are not particularly villainous, so to get past them, he challenges them to a dance-off instead of a fight.
  • Defied: Charles refuses to dance.
  • Discussed: "It's a dead man's party, who could ask for more?"
  • Conversed: The two characters in a Sketch Comedy have a Seinfeldian Conversation about which types of the undead would be best suited for dancing.
  • Implied: Charles is never seen dancing onscreen, but he does mention that he likes to dance.

And now, you can dance the skeletal salsa back to The Dead Can Dance.
