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Playing With / The Cuckoolander Was Right

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Basic Trope: A Cloud Cuckoolander who was right about something.

  • Straight: Crazy Bob and Alice believe that there's a theory involving the supernatural and they were right.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Any and all theories that Crazy Bob and Alice presented about the supernatural, no matter how insane, are always correct, down to the very last detail.
    • Crazy Bob predicted how everything would play out, up to and including the detail Alice mentions about the flying unicorns coming out of a portal to Hell, wielding penis swords with rainbow lasers coming out of them.
  • Downplayed: Crazy Bob and Alice believe that some kind of secret conspiracy or supernatural force is working within his city. While there's no conclusive proof of his theory, there's something sinister behind all the events that surround Crazy Bob and Alice's town.
  • Justified: Finding out about the supernatural thing caused their craziness in the first place.
  • Inverted: Everyone except Bob and Alice is a Cloud Cuckoolander and while Bob and Alice are normally the sane characters, in one case they got something wrong that everyone else was right about.
  • Subverted: Alice and Crazy Bob's theory of a supernatural conspiracy seems to be proven right - until it's revealed that they and their friends are on a reality show.
  • Double Subverted: The reality show is run by supernatural beings.
  • Parodied: Crazy Bob and Alice predict the entire plot of the work, and their entire hypothesis is derived from a Troll deciding to tell them seemingly nonsensical things.
  • Zig Zagged: Crazy Bob and Alice were right about some things that happened and were also wrong about some things with what just happened.
  • Averted:
    • Alice and Crazy Bob's theories are clearly wrong.
    • Or, Alice and Bob aren't crazy at all when telling the truth.
  • Enforced: ???
  • Lampshaded: "Why're the weirdos that always know what's happening here instead of the sane people seeming careless about their reality?"
  • Invoked: Bob & Alice were Obfuscating Insanity in hopes that using supernatural conspiracies would have others learn of them, so they won't feel a need to take action against both of them.
  • Exploited: Once Frederick would realize that Bob and Alice were always correct in their outlandish theories and seemingly far-fetched resolutions, he begins to take advantage of the information of the two for his own benefits or for a different cause.
  • Defied: Alice and Crazy Bob go to people that are open-minded enough to actually believe them and not those who go against everyone's opinions.
  • Discussed: "This story has told over and over how the weird ones that were right about something and they never tell others what was so outlandish in a way that others will believe them until it's too late to believe them. It probably shows how little people can trust others, especially when it's at the wrong time."
  • Conversed: "I wonder how the eccentric can be so knowledgable aside from their loony behavior."
  • Deconstructed: No one ever believes Crazy Bob and Alice because even though every now and then they come up with a theory that is true, for the most part, they usually spout out random nonsense. They are eventually determined to be a danger to themselves and/or others and are put away. When their prediction comes true, no one is prepared and the poor Crazy Bob and Alice can't even protect themselves because they are in a straight jacket.
  • Reconstructed: Luckily (in this specific case) Alice and Crazy Bob's predictions are investigated by other conspiracy theorists, who manage to dig up evidence that would convince anyone, a lot more than they usually do.
  • Implied: Where nothing had happened yet, Frederick tells Benny about how many times Danny always bought into Crazy Bob and Alice's outlandish stories that always proved that Frederick was wrongly blunt and stubborn about perceiving and labeling them as rambling morons or blithering idiots because of thinking that what they were telling what they thought just happened or why they even mentioned it was frivolous and vapid, just enough to question himself about how his own ego was even leading himself anywhere.
  • Played For Laughs: The result in something Crazy Bob and Alice were right about led to a comedic cause when they won in something aside from how much they embarrass themselves and as a moment in something awesome at the same time.
  • Played For Drama: The result in something Crazy Bob and Alice were right about led to a depressing and traumatic cause where they now needed to solve the problem that just occurred in order to help their friends and other people with getting out of the situation at hand.

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