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Playing With / Tap on the Head

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Basic Trope: A character loses consciousness after being hit on the head, but suffers no damage from the hit.

  • Straight: Bob receives a single blow to the head and blacks out.
  • Exaggerated: Bob blacks out after an apple fell on him. When he wakes up, he’s feeling even better than before.
  • Downplayed: Bob is hit with a bat, but he remains awake, so he is hit again, and again, by the fourth time he finally loses consciousness.
  • Justified: Bob has a regeneration ability that is capable of healing brain damage. He would wake up from a blow that would knock a normal person into a lifelong coma.
  • Inverted:
    • The aliens insert a device in Bob's brain that makes him lose consciousness every hour. However, Bob discovers that if he disables the device by tapping himself on the head.
    • Bob gains a Cranial Eruption from anesthetic gas being applied despite not falling down.
    • Bob's head bursts open like an eggshell from a gentle tap.
  • Subverted: Carol hits Bob, trying to activate this trope, but he is only mildly irritated by it. Bob gets ineffectually beaten until he decides to get into the van voluntarily.
  • Parodied: Bob loses consciousness after being poked by Carol.
  • Zig-Zagged: ???
  • Averted: Carol is about to knock out Bob, but stops after Dave tells him they can't risk damaging him.
  • Enforced: "We need Bob to be kidnapped and wake up in an unknown situation, and there's no way Carol could have the potent anesthetic that the book says she does at this point."
  • Lampshaded: "Wow. That worked just like in the movies. Who could have guessed?"
  • Invoked: Bob, as a member of a Servant Race, has "collapsed and go unconscious at a light tap to the back of the head" as a design feature.
  • Exploited:
    • Bob turns into a cartoon person to protect himself from Mallory, whose signature move is a blunt force attack called the "Brain Destroyer".
    • Alice bashes her head in with a skillet when she’s having trouble sleeping.
  • Discussed: "...of course. OF COURSE Alice would escape my lair with no brain damage to speak of because APPARENTLY my giant freaking hammer is useless! Next time I'm taking over a world that doesn't run on CHILDREN'S TELEVISION LOGIC."
  • Conversed: "Hey Dave, these loony little animals never seem to really get hurt when they get smacked upside the head. Why do you reckon that is?
  • Deconstructed: Carol hits Bob over the head expecting to knock him out harmlessly, but she sends him into a years-long coma and permanently cripples his ability to speak and move.

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