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Playing With / Stock Shoujo Heroine

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Basic Trope: The standard heroine of a Shōjo work—a relatable, clumsy and simple minded young girl in a Sailor Fuku who relies on The Power of Friendship and/or The Power of Love.

  • Straight: Yuki is a young girl with Girlish Pigtails not the most perfect person in terms of brains, but she tries her best. She's also very sweet, generous and is filled with energy
  • Exaggerated: Yuki is the ditzy All-Loving Heroine with the ability of radiate positivity that can immediately snap a grim dark setting into light hearted instantly, even if she doesn't realize it due to her lack of intelligence.
  • Downplayed:
    • Yuri may displays Naiveness and Idiot Hero tendencies, these come out largely in moments of stress. She is for the most part, more subdued.
    • Yuki's more tough and assertive than most examples but she still Book Dumb, still a Big Eater, a Genki Girl, occasionally The Ditz, strong sense of justice, and always willing to help her friends and other people.
  • Justified: Yuki knows she's the best when it comes to sports or education, so tries to find other ways to make it up to the people around her in order to help them out they normally can't.
  • Inverted: Yuki is the Dominatrix Femme Fatale cynical Smart Gal who shows little to no emotions.
  • Subverted:
    • Yuki is actually levelheaded, poised, a brilliant student, emotionally cold and already plans her career in a big enterprise.
    • Yuki is seem like to be the protagonist of Shōjo work, but her series is actually aim to adult men and her traits are more like Stock Light-Novel Calamity Princess.
  • Double Subverted:
    • Yuki is a bubbly, all-loving, clumsy high- schooler... Who has to act this way due to a clause in her contract as an idol, and she was quite different before. As the contract is terminated, Yuki reveals that she learned of the power of love while acting as a stock shojo heroine and wholeheartedly embraces the persona.
    • ...But the large amounts of Estrogen Brigade cause Yuki to becomes the heroine of the Spin-Off Shōjo series as well as more simple-minded and clumsier version of herself.
  • Parodied: ???
  • Zig-Zagged: Yuki is intelligent, but a little ditzy in some regard, can be quite girly, but also a tomboy as well, dresses rather neutrally and uses The Power of Love and The Power of Friendship only when it makes sense to do so.
  • Averted: Yuki is the heroine of her shoujo story, but is fairly intelligent and average in most attributes to emphasize her being an every day girl.
  • Lampshaded: ???
  • Invoked:
  • Exploited:
  • Defied: Yuki decides to be more smarter, edgier and meaner since the Long Runner series is gone Darker and Edgier and she don't want to be too idealistic for more mature story.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed:
    • Yuki fits the mold, being a sensitive, feminine, attractive, passive, and central figure to the narrative. But she has the misfortune of being born with the wrong anatomy and is with the worng type of environment. This ends up making Yuki more jaded.
    • Yuki's kindness extends to her being an Extreme Doormat for her immediate family, and she has a few more serious issues that she hides behind her constant positivity.
  • Reconstructed: Yuki learns to get rid of the Extreme Doormat tendencies and proclaims that while she'll always be ready to use her kindness to help those around her, she'll still speak her mind and will never be taken for a fool, as true happiness and tenderness is sacred.
