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Playing With / Stigmatic Pregnancy Euphemism

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Basic Trope: A young woman becomes pregnant out of wedlock, and her family sends her away (either to have the baby, or have an abortion), with a convenient excuse.

  • Straight: 16-year-old Alice becomes pregnant. When she begins to show, her parents send her away to a special "home" for unwed mothers, telling everyone that she's going to stay with her aunt.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Ever since puberty, Alice has not been home more than a few weeks at a time, because she keeps getting pregnant and getting sent away.
    • Alice is never allowed to return home. Her parents have disowned her.
  • Downplayed: Alice is going to have an abortion, and her parents tell everyone that she's on a Bible retreat.
  • Justified:
    • In Alice's society, being an unwed mother is seen as shameful. To avoid shame and stigma, the family has sent Alice away (either to have an abortion or have the baby).
    • Alice herself chose to go away, in order to escape the possibility of Honor-Related Abuse.
  • Inverted:
    • While studying abroad, Alice becomes pregnant, and informs her parents via Skype/a phone call/a letter. They beg her to come home ASAP.
    • Alice goes away to live with her aunt to escape her parents' abuse. In order to save face, her parents tell everyone that Alice got pregnant out of wedlock.
  • Subverted:
  • Double Subverted:
    • The last straw was when Alice became pregnant, and though she either miscarried or had an abortion, her parents want to get her back on the straight and narrow.
    • She is never allowed to discuss what happened to her. And she is still sent away while she recovers.
    • Because of the laws where they live, or simply the stigma of Alice being a pregnant bride, Alice and Bob are having an Elopement across state lines or overseas.
    • However, Alice is the first-generation child of immigrant parents, and in their culture, if a girl or woman becomes pregnant out of wedlock, she is sent away with an excuse.
    • She's pregnant, and her parents have sent her away until either she gives birth, or they know how they're going to handle the situation.
    • The reason she became a recluse is that she was raped and didn't want to get hurt again. The rape resulted in pregnancy, and since both being a Hikikomori and having a baby out of wedlock are seen as shameful, Alice's parents tell people she's studying abroad.
  • Parodied: ???
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted:
    • Alice does not become pregnant.
    • Alice becomes pregnant and stays home with her parents to have the baby.
    • Alice goes away to have her baby, and her parents tell everyone the truth.
  • Enforced:
  • Lampshaded: "You know, with that kind of lame excuse, she was obviously pregnant."
  • Invoked: Alice becomes pregnant, in a society with a great stigma towards out-of-wedlock sex and pregnancy.
  • Exploited: "Schools for Wayward Girls" open up, and encourage parents who send their daughters there to keep it secret.
  • Defied: Alice's parents decide they're going to help her in any way they can, no matter what the neighbors might think.
  • Implied: Alice goes away for a few months, with the excuse that she's going to see her aunt. When she comes back, she has a baby with her, although she tells people it's her younger brother.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed: Alice feels very bitter about her family for sending her away.
  • Reconstructed: Alice resents her family for a while, but after a serious heart-to-heart, she forgives them.

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