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Playing With / Shock Party

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Basic Trope: Someone holds a surprise party, and something shocking happens in that party.

  • Straight: Alice holds a surprise party, and her boyfriend breaks up with her in front of everyone.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: Alice holds a surprise party, and she... stubbed her toe there.
  • Justified:
    • Alice's boyfriend decided to break up with her on the date of the party, thinking that it would help him let her off gently.
    • Alice's boyfriend was aiming for maximum suffering.
    • Alice just had the Very Bad Luck that the Very Bad Thing that happens during her party happened in her birthday — it would have been a Very Bad Thing regardless of the day.
  • Inverted: Alice holds a surprise party. Her boyfriend proposes to her there in front of everyone.
  • Subverted: Alice holds a surprise party, and her boyfriend breaks up with her in front of everyone. But it was all a Practical Joke.
  • Double Subverted: Alice gets so hurt that she decides to really break up with her boyfriend.
  • Parodied: Alice stubs her toe at the party. Everybody acts as if she got her foot severed.
  • Zig Zagged: Alice's boyfriend breaks up with her.. but it's a joke. But Alice breaks up with her boyfriend anyway... Then she meets another boyfriend at the party...
  • Averted: The party goes as expected.
  • Enforced: "We need to add some drama, but how? Let's just make Alice's boyfriend dump her at her party."
  • Lampshaded:
    Alice: "Why, this day of all days, you decide to break up with me?"
  • Invoked:
    • Alice's boyfriend decides to break up with Alice on the date of the party.
    • Bob wants to kill Alice. Knowing there will be a surprise party, he will pretend he got frightened and shoot her, hoping to shift the blame to the guests.
  • Exploited: The local Jerkass posts a video of the breakup on the Internet.
  • Defied:
    • Alice's boyfriend decides to not break up with Alice.
    • The birthday party is planned and the organizers refuse to make it a surprise.
  • Discussed: "That poor Alice... something happens to her almost all the time.."
  • Conversed: "I bet her boyfriend is going to break up with her at this very party."
  • Implied: Alice is seen going to a party. When she returns home from said party, she is seen crying.
  • Deconstructed: Alice's party ends, her social life dies and she gets shamed for it by months to come.
  • Reconstructed: Her boyfriend turns out to be a Jerkass who breaks up with all his girlfriends for petty reasons.
  • Played For Laughs: Bob breaking up with Alice is showcased as part of a Humiliation Conga montage while Alice is talking about how much of a shitfest her year has been so far.
  • Played For Drama: Bob breaking up with Alice is the start of a Drama Bomb barrage (Alice says she's pregnant, Bob states That Thing Is Not My Child!, her father disowns her because of having sex out of wedlock, Alice gets in a Surprise Car Crash while driving away in tears that doesn't hurts her or the baby but kills her mother, the only person in her life that still gave a shit about her...)
  • Played For Horror: The "shocking" thing is a brutal, sudden death which makes everybody suffer a Freak Out.

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