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Playing With / Sex–Face Turn

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Basic Trope: The bad guy turns good after having sex with the good guy.

  • Straight: The Vamp Alice is sent by Emperor Evulz to seduce The Hero Bob, but after some time sleeping with him, she ends up betraying the emperor and joining Bob.
  • Exaggerated: Alice decides to betray the Emperor Evulz after merely kissing Bob.
  • Downplayed: After entering a sexual relationship with Bob, Alice gets to know him better and learn his ideas about freedom and justice, which make her ponder and later influences her decision to betray the emperor.
  • Justified: Alice falls in love with Bob during their relationship and betrays the Emperor Evulz out of love.
  • Inverted: After sleeping with Alice and heard her promises whispered in his ear, Bob decides to throw away his tough life in the resistance and follows her to the Empire.
  • Subverted: Imperial vamp Alice betrays the Emperor Evulz and joins Bob, only to later reveal that she never changed sides and that all is a lie to get him captured.
  • Double Subverted: ...however, then Alice reveals that she is in Bob's side and that the treason is actually a ruse to get Bob inside of the emperor's palace.
  • Parodied: Alice believes herself to be a vamp, but she is actually an airheaded amorous girl who falls for Bob almost instantly when she tries to seduce him.
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted: Alice doesn't betray his side.
  • Enforced: The author wants to demonstrate that love and sex are intertwined.
  • Lampshaded: "A bed is rarely the only thing a person shares with somebody".
  • Invoked: Imperial lieutenant Basil sends Alice to try to seduce Bob in order to make her betray the Empire, as she is his daughter and he wants to get her away from a life of evil.
  • Exploited: ...however, Emperor Evulz allows this because he has secretly marked Alice with a tracking device to find the resistance's whereabouts.
  • Defied: Alice falls in love with Bob after sleeping with him, so she feels that she should leave her side for him, but she decides fulfill her mission despite it hurts her.
  • Discussed:
    Dennis: Heh, Charles, have you seen Bob's new girl? Damn, she's hot, isn't she?
    Charles: She is an imperial agent.
    Dennis: What?
    Charles: Come on, boy.
    Dennis: Ah, er... Crap, you're right. Don't you think maybe we oughta tell him or something?
    Charles: Trust me, she will fall for him in less than a month.
  • Conversed: "This Honey Trap will not work, dammit. Why is the emperor so bent in those old school tactics?"
  • Deconstructed: After a life of sexual abuse and Training from Hell to become a vamp, Alice finds in Bob's bed the first time she is treated with kindness and love, so she has a breakdown and decides to abandon her old miserable life by joining him. However, she doesn't know how to handle those new experiences, and this cause her so much pain.
  • Reconstructed: ...however, at the end she learns to live through her new life and helps Bob to defeat the emperor.
  • Played for Laughs: Alice is revealed to be the fourth seductress Bob converts to his side... that month.
  • Played for Drama: Alice betrays the emperor for Bob, but then she is killed by imperial assassins for her treason, and Bob is left to endure the guilt.

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