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Playing With / Seduction-Proof Marriage

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Basic Trope: Being married makes a character immune to seduction.

  • Straight: Bob is married to Alice. Before he tries to make his We Can Rule Together pitch, Emperor Evulz sends him Carlotta to soften him up, but Bob refuses her advances.
  • Exaggerated: Bob is married to Alice. Before making his We Can Rule Together pitch, Emperor Evulz sends Carlotta to soften him up. However, Bob is so disgusted at the idea of cheating on Alice with anyone that he throws up on Carlotta in the middle of her advances.
  • Downplayed: Bob is engaged to Alice. Before making his pitch, Emperor Evulz sends Carlotta to soften him up. Bob is visibly tempted, but shuts down Carlotta's advances.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted:
    • Bob is married to Alice and he falls for Carlotta's advances even more quickly than the single Dracone.
    • Bob is married to Alice, and when Carlotta sees the wedding ring, she refuses to seduce him.
  • Subverted: Bob is married to Alice. Emperor Evulz sends Carlotta to Bob to soften him up for the We Can Rule Together pitch. For a while, Bob resists...but eventually he gives in.
  • Double Subverted: However, it's revealed that the frustrated Carlotta slipped a love drug into Bob's drink. When he recovers from it he's horrified and shoves Carlotta away as she tries to re-seduce him.
  • Parodied: ???
  • Zig Zagged: After a dragged-out Will They or Won't They? sequence between Bob and Carlotta in which the former variously refuses and nearly gives in to the latter's advances, followed by an ill-fated backup attempt by Carlotta to seduce Alice instead, Bob ends up in bed with Carlotta. It turns out whilst they are Talking in Bed that Carlotta is Bob's other wife in a three way partnership with Alice; Carlotta is The Mole whom Evulz, who firmly believes in monogamy despite the pretence would never suspectnote  as being on Bob's side (in more ways than one!)
  • Averted: Nobody attempts to seduce Bob after seeing that he is wearing a wedding ring.
  • Enforced: The author wants to show how honorable Bob is, so he has him refuse to cheat on his wife, even with a beautiful, seductive woman in a place Alice might never find out about it.
  • Lampshaded:
    Carlotta: Curse marriage vows! They're the only shield I can't outmanuever.
  • Invoked: Bob is not married and not interested in women, but he wears a wedding ring to nonverbally tell Carlotta that she's wasting her time.
  • Exploited:
    • Bob's mentor knows that only someone pure of heart who can resist temptation can defeat Emperor Evulz, so he sends Bob, knowing that his marriage to Alice will enable him to avoid being seduced.
    • Bob refuses to be seduced by Carlotta, which is all part of Evulz's plans, as Bob's wife Alice is also an Agent of Evulz.
  • Defied:
    • Knowing Bob might not willingly cheat on his wife, Carlotta drugs his drink.
    • Alice is a cuckqueen, she encourages Bob to let Carlotta seduce him and give her bad information.
  • Discussed:
    Bob: "You thought you could get me to cheat on Alice? I would never do such a thing, we're happily married!"
  • Conversed: ???
  • Implied: Emperor Evulz sends Carlotta to seduce Bob. Several minutes later, Carlotta storms out of the room. Inside, Bob, soaked with a drink, is trying to make sure she didn't ruin a picture of Alice.

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