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Playing With / Scary Scarecrows

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Basic Trope: Scarecrows are scary.

  • Straight: One of Bob's enemies is an enchanted homicidal scarecrow, complete with Slasher Smile.
  • Exaggerated: Every scarecrow ever shown in Bob's adventures is spooky at best and deadly at worst.
  • Downplayed: Bob sees a scarecrow as he's walking past on a dark, stormy night. It looks creepy. However, when he returns the next morning, it's completely non-threatening.
  • Justified: The scarecrow was made by a mean farmer who hates trespassers.
  • Inverted: Bob encounters a scarecrow that is silly and non-threatening.
  • Subverted: Bob is walking through a cornfield late at night. He hears a noise, turns around and stutters, ""...But it turns out he actually saw a skunk.
  • Double Subverted: Bob has barely gotten over his Cat Scare with the skunk when he's attacked by a scarecrow.
  • Parodied: Bob comes across a silly and non-threatening scarecrow that wants to make friends...and he still runs away and screams bloody murder because everyone knows all scarecrows are scary.
  • Zig Zagged: Some scarecrows are scary; some are silly. Some are both silly and scary.
  • Averted: No scarecrows appear in the story.
  • Enforced: The story takes place on a farm. The threat was originally a bear, but the executives wanted a more thematically appropriate villain.
  • Lampshaded:
    Bob: Why do all scarecrows have to be so all-fired creepy?
  • Invoked: The farmer explicitly makes the scarecrow scary and even hostile to keep away thieves.
  • Exploited: A Mad Scientist creates, not one, but an entire army of evil scarecrows.
  • Defied: The villain creates the scarecrow to be a murderer, but the scarecrow Grew Beyond Their Programming and decided to be a good guy instead.
  • Discussed: Alice and Bob walk around Bob's uncle's corn field and come across a scarecrow, remarking how it dosen't look that scary. They discuss exactly what makes scarecrows such an easy target for evil possessions or dark magic in media.
  • Conversed: Alice and Bob are wizards who think that an evil scarecrow may be running amok in a farming community and plan for ways to defeat it, including fire or holy magic.
  • Inplied: Bob stumbles out of a cornfield, wild-eyed and panting, and yells back in its direction, "I'm not a crow!"
  • Deconstructed: The scarecrow, being made of straw, burns well and can be defeated by anybody with fire powers.
  • Reconstructed: But until it burns up, Bob's got a homicidal scarecrow on fire to deal with.
  • Played for Laughs: The living scarecrow looks horribly scary, but when it menacingly approaches the heroes, it throws a pie in their face and reveals that it just wants to make people laugh.
  • Played for Drama: The reason the scarecrow is seeking people out and scaring them is because it is being possessed by the spirit of the farmer's dead child, seeking love but not realizing what it's actually doing.
