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Playing With / Scary Musician, Harmless Music

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Basic Trope: Their music isn't nearly as freaky as their public persona would have you believe.

  • Straight: Bob Frontman sports long hair, dark clothing, and tons of makeup. His music is standard hard rock if even that.
  • Exaggerated: Frontman has violent tattoos covering every inch of his body and wears so much eyeshadow you'd think he hasn't slept in five weeks. He records Dream Pop.
  • Downplayed: Frontman looks like he'd be part of a death metal band. He does play metal, but comparatively soft metal.
  • Justified: Bob Frontman's act is a parody of edgy metal solo artists.
  • Inverted: Frontman is a well-dressed young man with short hair and thick glasses. He dabbles in experimental Grindcore.
  • Subverted: The music only sounds peppy and upbeat on a surface level. When you really listen to the lyrics, you start to realize how terrifying the subject matter is.
  • Double Subverted: ???
  • Parodied: Frontman's grand entry is as dark and dramatic as possible, with a smoke machine and all... then he rolls in a wimpy piano on wheels, sits down, and plays a tune peppy enough to make Scott Joplin sound like angsty punk rock in comparison. The audience roars and headbangs in excitement.
  • Zig Zagged: Frontman has several different musical projects, ranging from Death Metal to folk to trance to Harsh Noise.
  • Averted: Frontman's emo look is not ironic.
  • Enforced:
    • "So we want to introduce metal fans to soft rock that still has enough of an edge to be enjoyable. How about we deceive them by giving the frontman an edgy look?"
    • Frontman is currently experiencing the height of Satanic Panic, and the Moral Guardians are breathing down his neck; he can't be too edgy with his music, even if he wanted to be.
  • Lampshaded: "Frontman may look like the stuff of nightmares, but he writes songs as harmless as nursery rhymes."
  • Invoked: Frontman, an emo artist with fitting looks, wants to start making more relatively gentle music such as hard rock, but he knows that people associate his aesthetic with emo and not hard rock. Still, he is aware that some people go with the aesthetic anyway regardless of what music they play, so he follows suit.
  • Exploited: Frontman is an emo artist who wants to change to regular hard rock. However, he knows that both emo aesthetics and hard rock music are popular, so he keeps the emo aesthetic while playing hard rock to maximize popularity.
  • Defied: Frontman wants to go from emo music to hard rock, but he knows that emo and hard rock have different aesthetics. To make sure that people aren't confused by his new style of music, he changes his style to something which may fit hard rock more.
  • Discussed: "I know Frontman looks scary, but he's not that bad. He just makes hard rock."
  • Conversed: "Why do cartoons always seem to make a band's appearance serious and their music silly?"

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