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Basic Trope: A character whose very existence is very important for the continued prosperity of the rest, and killing/hurting them will doom the entire world.

  • Straight: Alric is the only person who can use the extremely powerful and complex ancient magic that is keeping the Eldritch Abomination, Armageddon, sealed. If Alric dies, the seal will break, and Armaggedon will break free and destroy humanity.
  • Exaggerated: Alric is the Cosmic Keystone whose wellbeing is tied to the prosperity of The Multiverse. If he so much gets sick, injured or depressed, it would bring catastrophic disasters to many worlds.
  • Downplayed: Alric is The Good King and a Universally Beloved Leader whose leadership is the only reason the various opposing factions in his kingdom haven't broke into a civil war. When he briefly goes missing, all the leaders of these groups start going at each other's throats, and the impending blow-up is only stopped when the king finally returns.
  • Justified: ???
  • Inverted: Alric is a Walking Wasteland whose continued existence is a threat to everyone else. He must be killed before the constant disasters he brings wipe out the rest of humanity.
  • Subverted: Alric dies and at the world begins to shake as Armageddon's seal fades… but nothing happnes. Armageddon has already died while being sealed, and the ancient sealing spell is no longer necessary to keep the world safe.
  • Double Subverted: Armageddon has Resurrective Immortality. He re-awakens years later, and no one has the power to stop him.
  • Parodied: A ludicrously minor pet peeve comes Alric's way, making him a little sad. This causes a Class Z apocalypse.
  • Zigzagged: Alric is a Barrier Maiden whose Secret Art is necessary to keep Armageddon sealed, but later segments of the story introduce more and more characters capable of using the same powers. However, Alric is the only one who has mastered it enough to uphold Armageddon's seal. Alric then gathers all of the other Secret Art users and teaches them the spell that keeps Armageddon sealed so that they all can take his place if anything happens to him. Unfortunately, after his death, his ragtag disciples start fighting each other, allowing Armageddon's seal to break. Armageddon proceeds to kill all the disciples except for one, who manages to return the Eldritch Abomination back to its prison. This last disciple becomes Alric's heir and replaces him as the sole Barrier Maiden keeping the world safe.
  • Averted: The world's safety is not dependent on any individual's life.
  • Enforced: ???
  • Lampshaded: "Alric musn't die! The whole world will die with him!"
  • Invoked: The Powers That Be deliberately grants all the power of the universe to one person so that it's easier to regulate.
  • Exploited: Evulz captures Alric and holds him hostage, forcing the rest of the world to bow down to him.
  • Defied: Alric is sick of being the sole anchor of the universe, and distributes his powers to 100 of his disciples so that the fate of the world will not be determined by the wellbeing of a single person.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed: Having the weight of the entire world placed on his shoulders takes a toll on Alric's emotional health. Since everyone is so afraid that anything might happen to him, they pretty much keep him in a Gilded Cage, which only makes things worse. He frequently contemplates suicide, but couldn't do so because he doesn't want to be responsible for The End of the World as We Know It either.
  • Reconstructed: Alric's friends and family do their best to cheer him up and comfort him and Alric begins to appreciate the abilities he has to keep them safe. He eventually submits to his responsibilities with a greater sense of purpose and joy.

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