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Playing With / Ridiculous Future Sequelisation

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Basic Trope: An absurdly high numbered installment of a franchise.

  • Straight: The Troper Tales 10 is shown in a work that was made when there was only 4 sequels.
  • Exaggerated: The Troper Tales 967 is shown in a work that was made when there was only 2 movies.
  • Downplayed: The Troper Tales 5 is shown in a work that was made when they were on movie 3.
  • Justified: The Troper Tales series is a Cash-Cow Franchise.
  • Inverted: The Troper Tales 2 was made half a century after the first one.
  • Subverted:
    • The Troper Tales 43 is just the bizarrely named sixth entry in the series.
    • The Troper Tales 43 is an Anthology Film of 43 shorts.note 
    • The Troper Tales 60 is just a 15-minute chapter in a serial.
  • Double Subverted: The Troper Tales 43 is the bizarrely named seventy-sixth entry in the series.
  • Zig-Zagged: No one knows if the number in The Troper Tales 12 is about the amount of characters, or if it's meant to be the twelfth entry. Also, it was made a quarter of a century after the previous one.
  • Averted:
    • No sequels to the first Troper Tales movie were ever made.
    • The Troper Tales series ended after a reasonable amount of movies were made, and time-travel can't change that.
  • Enforced: Many sequels to The Troper Tales are made to cheaply expand the story for money.
  • Lampshaded: "Travel one decade into the future, and they make like 80 of these movies."
  • Invoked: "Time to make this franchise go on forever!"
  • Exploited: Admittedly, even the worst sequels show more information about the franchise, like a background character's life. This helps the franchise's unofficial wiki grow in size.
  • Defied: "When we go to the future, let's stay as far away from the movie theater as possible. I don't want to find out that there will be like a jillion Troper Tales movies by the year 3001."
  • Discussed: "The Troper Tales did so well in the box office, so why wouldn't they expand the franchise beyond our demand?"
  • Conversed: "You'd think by the time I reached the 30th century, there would be at least be a Troper Tales 4."
  • Deconstructed: The fans no longer care about The Troper Tales after all these sequels are made, and the franchise is maintained obsessively.
  • Reconstructed: The company behind The Troper Tales goes like Pixar, and thinks carefully before making more sequels, ending arcs and replacing the main characters.
  • Played For Laughs: Fridge Brilliance: The Troper Tales The Square Root of 16
  • Played For Drama: The latest entry in The Troper Tales is about the characters ending the sequelisation, clearly exhausted like slaves from all the work.
  • Intended Audience Reaction: The sequel is meant to be disappointing.
  • Implied: "Haven't I watched all the Troper Tales movies?"

Back to Ridiculous Future Sequelisation, Part 69.
