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Playing With / Revenge Ballad

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Basic Trope: A song about revenge.

  • Straight: "Turn Your Back" is about Alice tormenting and killing Bob for cheating on her.
  • Exaggerated: "Turn Your Back" is about the Cycle of Revenge between Bob and Alice's families.
  • Downplayed: "Turn Your Back" is about Alice toying with the idea of doing something to Bob after he cheated on her, but it's left ambiguous whether she actually went through with it.
  • Justified: People write songs about all kinds of topics, and revenge is a pretty dramatic one.
  • Inverted: "Turn Your Back" is about Alice forgiving Bob for cheating on her.
  • Subverted: "Turn Your Back" has Bob experience a number of problems, which seem to imply Alice's involvement, but it turns out to be Dracone trying to get money instead.
  • Double Subverted: Alice hired Dracone to distract her husband from the real mastermind — her.
  • Zigzagged: "Turn Your Back" has Bob experience a number of problems, which seem to imply Alice's involvement, but it turns out to be Dracone trying to get money instead. Alice hired him to distract Bob from the real mastermind — her. However, when Bob finds out, he admits he started the problem and forgives Alice. She can't stand to continue her plans for revenge, and the two are reconciled.
  • Parodied: "Turn Your Back" is a song about Alice putting Bob's trophy collection all out of order because Bob ate the last of the cookies she had made.
  • Averted: "Turn Your Back" is just a normal song with dark connotations outside of revenge or cheating.
  • Enforced: The author wants to write a dark and edgy song, and revenge makes a good topic.
  • Lampshaded: "A song all about getting back at someone, huh?"
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: ???
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed: After "Turn Your Back" becomes a smash hit, all listeners become motivated to get revenge for their pasts or being cheated. This would inevitably mean no one will be able to listen to it anymore.
  • Reconstructed: The lyrics for "Turn Your Back" actually send a message to the listeners: Cheating on a lover is not good.

Back to Revenge Ballad, never turn your back...
