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Playing With / Random Power Ranking

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Basic Trope: Power Levels are very simple, vague, or meaningless.

  • Straight: Tales of Tropeland has characters that range from tag-along kids to physical gods, and they all fit into an A-F ranking system.
  • Exaggerated: Tales of Tropeland has only two ranks with which to classify its massively varied cast.
  • Downplayed: Characters are rated on a scale of A-Z.
  • Justified: Combat has millions of variables involved. When assessing their soldiers, militaries in Tales of Tropeland only have the time to take a few aspects of each soldier and average it all out into a simple letter grade system.
  • Inverted: Power Levels are specific and complicated.
  • Subverted: A student goes to a regular school and we are initially made to think they will get standard A-F grades, but then it turns out the school has a 1-10,000 point system for every assignment.
  • Double Subverted: But then those huge numbers can be simplified into letters.
  • Parodied: "Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his power level?" "It's over S++!"
  • Zig Zagged: All the characters have different ranking systems for themselves and their opponents, ranging from numerical values that can reach into the millions, to simple "good or bad" systems. Any given system used by a character may or may not fit this trope.
  • Averted: Power Levels and rankings simply don't exist.
  • Enforced: "We want to express Power Levels in a simple way. How do we do that?"
  • Lampshaded: "These ranking systems are too vague and simple."
  • Invoked: "Mr. Boss, give each employee a score of 1-5."
  • Exploited: Since there aren't a lot of possible scores, the ability within a score varies greatly, and slackers use only the minimum effort needed to stay at their preferred grade.
  • Defied: A simple ranking system is proposed, but then dropped.
  • Discussed: "I like how the ranking system keeps stated Power Levels from getting laughably high."
  • Conversed: "Why is a baby a 1 and a Physical God a 4?"

Get back to Random Power Ranking, Troper! I'm sure someone with a Q+ grade (i.e. you) can do it!
