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Playing With / Psycho Knife Nut

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Basic Trope: A unhinged or psychotic character for whom knives are the weapons, possibly implying elements of their personality.

  • Straight: Bob shows a preference for knives, and is less stable than his peers.
  • Exaggerated: Bob practically foams at the mouth as he describes, in ridiculous detail, the finer points of every single kind of knife in his possession and how he might use them.
  • Downplayed: Bob will attempt to use a knife only if there isn't a much more suitable weapon for a given situation and is only marginally more dysfunctional than the layman.
  • Justified:
    • Knives are fairly easy to acquire and conceal compared to other weapons.
    • Bob lives in a time/place where knives often serve as a multi-purpose tool and an Emergency Weapon.
    • The paramilitary that trained Bob specifically selected him as a close quarter specialist due to his unhinged personality, for the psychological effect that fighting a knife-wielding psychopath has on the enemy.
  • Inverted:
    • Bob is firmly non-violent and more firmly against using knives, even for preparing food.
    • Bob wields knives, yet he's the Only Sane Man.
    • Bob is a Cold Sniper who scoffs at the idea of getting anywhere near the people he kills.
  • Subverted:
    • Bob wields knives and is unhinged, but switches to a handgun he secretly keeps in his jacket when in a bind.
    • Bob is a chef who is only enthusiastic about knives as kitchen tools, and balks at the idea of using them as weapons.
  • Double Subverted:
    • When out of ammo for above handgun, he scoffs at the gun and switches to another knife.
    • When the chips are down, Bob uses his precious kitchen tools to fight while laughing maniacally.
  • Parodied: Bob inserts the names of his favourite knives into the closing credits, starring as themselves.
  • Zig Zagged: Bob starts a fight with a knife, but gets disarmed so he switches to a handgun. Handgun runs out of ammo, so he switches to a smaller knife in his boot. When he's disarmed again, he steals a rifle from an enemy. When that runs out of ammo, he removes the bayonet from the rifle and uses that as a makeshift knife.
  • Averted: Bob prefers knives, but is perfectly mentally stable. Alternatively, Charlie, who prefers sniper rifles, is the crazy one.
  • Enforced: The author believes that Insane Equals Violent, so an unhinged person would automatically become obsessed with collecting knives.
  • Lampshaded: "Bob Report, knife aficionado and moderately violent psychopath, at your service."
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: An enemy of Bob's challenges him to a knife fight, knowing that Bob's ego wouldn't let him pass up the challenge. Once the fight starts, his opponent shoots him.
  • Defied: Bob's knives are confiscated.
  • Discussed: "What is with knives and bringing out the worst in people?"
  • Conversed: "Bob is really attached to his knife. I wouldn't be surprised if he turns out to be a serial killer or something."
  • Deconstructed:
    • Because of his mental problems as well as his inability to control it, he stabs himself.
    • Knives are too small to be used in a direct fight. Anybody with a sword or larger weapon has Bob at a disadvantage.
  • Reconstructed:

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