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Playing With / Pregnancy Scare

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Basic Trope: A character thinks she may be pregnant.

  • Straight: Alice's period is late, and she freaks out, thinking that she's pregnant. How will she tell Bob? What will her very conservative parents Charles and Diane say? What about school?
  • Exaggerated:
    • Alice and Bob used a condom, spermicide, and Alice is on the Pill. But Alice still worries that she might be pregnant.
    • Alice has a Pregnancy Scare every month, whether there's a good reason to, or not.
    • Alice is a virgin, or at least has not had any sexual partners recently enough that pregnancy would actually be a concern.
    • Alice is a lesbian, and the only sex she's had recently (or ever) is with other women.
    • Alice has had a tubal ligation and Bob has had a vasectomy and Alice is on the Pill for unrelated reasons...yet she still thinks she could be pregnant.
    • Alice is postmenopausal; her last period was 3 years ago, and she still worries that she could be pregnant.
  • Downplayed: Alice goes to the drugstore to buy the morning-after pill, just to be safe.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted:
    • Alice and Bob desperately want a baby, and have been trying for months to conceive. Alice worries that she's not pregnant, as she waits anxiously for the pregnancy test to process on top of the sink.
    • Alice is pregnant, but believes she isn't.
  • Subverted:
    • Alice wakes up one morning with a slightly bloated belly and feels a little bit queasy, but she chalks it up to last night's taco binge.
    • Just as Alice is beginning to panic, her period starts.
    • Alice is in a good place in her life for a baby: a stable relationship/marriage, a comfortable income, a decent place to live, etc. So she isn't worried.
    • Alice finds out she is pregnant, but then either has a Convenient Miscarriage or an abortion, and life goes on.
    • Alice looks at the calendar and freaks out, because her term paper is due (and she hasn't started it yet, or she's only completed some of it.)
    • It's just an Imagine Spot or All Just a Dream.
  • Double Subverted:
    • But later on, she starts to worry that she's pregnant.
    • But then her friend Carol informs her that some women do experience bleeding during pregnancy, and urges her to see a doctor for an official test.
    • Until Bob announces that he got laid off, and Alice realizes that even with both their incomes, they were barely scraping by.
    • Some months later, Alice thinks she may be pregnant again.
    • Then she realizes something else is late.
    • Not too long after that, Alice finds out she really is pregnant.
  • Parodied:
  • Zig Zagged: Some months Alice panics, others she doesn't.
  • Averted:
    • Alice is not sexually active. (She might be a virgin, or she might not have had any sexual partners in quite a long time.)
    • Alice is a lesbian.
    • Alice is past menopause or has not yet had her first period.
    • Alice wants a baby and is in a good place for it.
    • Alice got herself sterilized.
  • Enforced: Rule of Drama, Law of Inverse Fertility, and sometimes Can't Get Away with Nuthin'
  • Lampshaded: "Oh, God...what if I'm pregnant?!"
  • Invoked: Alice and Bob engage in some Auto Erotica at Make-Out Point, and the condom breaks.
  • Exploited: Alice tells Bob she's pregnant, in hopes of trapping him into a Shotgun Wedding.
  • Defied: Alice has a backup method of birth control, so she doesn't worry.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Implied:
    • Alice is seen disposing of a negative pregnancy test, breathing a huge sigh of relief.
    • Alice looks at the calendar, panics, puts on lacy white panties, and pleads for her period to show up.

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