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Playing With / Pragmatic Pansexuality

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Basic Trope: A character, regardless of their sexuality, is willing to seduce or sleep with people of the gender they aren't attracted to in order to further their goals.

  • Straight: Alice is a special agent who is a lesbian, but she regularly sleeps with men to get information without much hassle.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Alice has never slept with a woman and the only time she has sex is when she has to seduce men for her job.
    • Alice has No Biological Sex, is Asexual, and her species doesn't even have a concept of romance. She desired by all sapient life and has had sex with all strains of it.
  • Downplayed: Alice is a lesbian-leaning bisexual. Most of the sexual encounters she has with men are for her job as an agent.
  • Justified: Her job entails using every tool at her disposal to gain information. Sex is just one of them, and she must use it to its fullest extent.
  • Inverted: When Alice has to seduce someone for the job, she refuses to with women and only seduces men. She will sleep with anyone on her downtime.
  • Subverted:
    • Alice tries to seduce a man who has the information she needs, but she backs out since she can't handle the idea of sleeping with a man.
    • Alice is clearly in a Transparent Closet and using 'information' as an excuse to sleep with women. Made most clear by doing so despite the lack of usable intel.
  • Double Subverted: From the first subversion scenario:
    • However, she remembers her professionalism, sucks it up, and gets it over with to do what needs to be done.
    • Thankfully, the mark is bisexual. This is when Bob (who is straight) goes in to do the job for her.
  • Parodied:
    • Alice is sent in to seduce a dog for information.
    • Bob is straight and sleeps with men to get his information, but after he gets the info he needs, he says "no homo."
  • Zig-Zagged: Alice can sleep with men to get the job done, but she needs to be in the right state of mind to do it. Sometimes, she doesn't have the will to go through with it. Other times, she has no problem with it.
  • Averted:
    • Alice isn't willing to sleep with men simply to get information.
    • Alice is straight (or bisexual), so this isn't as notable as it would be otherwise.
  • Enforced: ???
  • Lampshaded:
    Bob: I thought you were a lesbian. Why are you sleeping with men to get information?
    Alice: The job is the job. If that requires me to suck a few dicks, then so be it. It's not like I'm doing it for fun.
  • Invoked: The agency trains all agents to seduce targets regardless of gender.
  • Exploited: Since it is known that Alice is a lesbian yet willing to sleep with men if she can get information, Charlie lies to her and pretends to have important information she needs just for a chance to sleep with her despite the Incompatible Orientation.
  • Discussed: Alice goes through training to seduce targets, mentioning that they be men or women.
  • Conversed: ???
  • Defied: When told to seduce a man for information, Alice refuses to do so, not being comfortable with seducing someone of a gender she isn't attracted to for any reason.
  • Implied: A Noodle Incident is mentioned where Alice notes she had to sleep with a man.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Alice's love life starts to suffer since she isn't too used to sleeping with women anymore, and some women even doubt that she is a lesbian. Even she begins to doubt her own sexuality and starts sleeping with men outside of work, only leaving her more empty.
    • Alice winds up lacking passion from a lack of attraction to men, or motivation outside the job (which is undermined by having to sleep with men for it). It all contribute to her being absolutely terrible in bed. She has trouble keeping even Bob under her thumb, despite being perverse. He even starts to question his sexuality from how little he enjoyed sex with an attractive woman.
    • Bob is pulling a Scarpia Ultimatum or other Leonine Contract to get Alice to sleep with him "willingly". Alice complies, and while she performs well enough, and Alice's sexuality is never actually in question and the story exclusively frames her as a brave survivor of a horrifying dilemma.
  • Reconstructed: She begins to learn how to separate her love life and her professional life to keep herself grounded. If anyone has an issue with it, then she won't waste her time with them.
  • Played for Laughs: Alice is willing to seduce men for her job... but she's really bad at it.
  • Played for Drama: Alice legitimately didn't realize/ had been in denial about how much she'd hate the actual sex part of sleeping with a man, and winds up viewing it as a non-fatal Heroic Sacrifice that she would never do again voluntarily.
  • Played for Horror: Alice was ordered to sleep with Bob… who is a masochist of the "flay bedmates alive with a cat-o-nine-tails" type. No amount of information is worth what she is going to endure.

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