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Playing With / Powered by a Forsaken Child

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Basic Trope: Some Applied Phlebotinum requires horrible deeds to work.

  • Straight: Emperor Evulz fuels his spacecraft's Faster-Than-Light Travel engine with children's blood.
  • Exaggerated:
    • All high-tech contraptions need children's blood for power.
    • Not only does the spacecraft require children's blood, but it also needs their bones, muscles, teeth, eyeballs, and teddy bears to work properly.
    • Emperor Evulz's spacecraft needs to be fueled with children's blood constantly, even when it's not in use.
  • Downplayed: The spacecraft needs a person to power it but only causes non-lethal problems like muscle soreness and headaches. Volunteers aware of the effects can suffice, though eviler characters might find it easier to use slaves.
  • Justified: The mental signature of suffering human brains is needed for powering these contraptions.
  • Inverted: Joy Engines require Emperor Evulz to do great good to operate.
  • Subverted: Evulz has an alternative way to power the FTL drive.
    • While cars can technically run on blood, it's one of the worst possible fuels and is a maintenance nightmare. Even distilled ethanol keeps it running far smoother and with greater power.
  • Double Subverted: The other source still requires something horrible.
  • Parodied:
    • The place where Evulz's spacecraft gets energy has a label saying "Insert Child Here."
    • Evulz’s spacecraft is powered by Alice’s humiliation. He places her naked in a tank and invites people to gawk and photograph her.
  • Zig Zagged: The spacecraft requires human power, but other ways to power it exist. However, it still needs humans as backup power.
  • Averted: The spacecraft doesn't need humans for power.
  • Enforced: The producers want to show how evil Evulz is.
  • Lampshaded: "Why do we need an innocent child to power this spacecraft?"
  • Invoked: "And what am I supposed to do with all these useless orphans my conquest has left around to mewl? Wait, maybe not so useless..."
  • Exploited: Evulz's requirements for power give him a need to kidnap people and steal resources from them.
  • Defied: Evulz finds a different source of power.
  • Discussed: "Why couldn't we have done more research on the requirements for Faster-Than-Light Travel?"
  • Conversed: "Why does that villain on that show need a human to power that thing?"
  • Implied: Evulz is seen strapping a kidnapped child into the ship.
  • Deconstructed: Evulz must kidnap many children for power, causing him to reach a 0% Approval Rating after many children are taken from their homes.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Evulz covers up disappearances with false leads, keeps the children in a top-secret area, and kills them out of sight.
    • The souls used in this manner agree to be used this way, and even encourages the user to use more of them to defeat the Big Bad.
  • Played For Laughs: The machine runs on Hamster-Wheel Power/Black Comedy.
  • Played For Drama: Evulz goes on a crime spree to kidnap children for power.
