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Playing With / Please Wake Up

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Basic Trope: Somebody (usually a child) sees someone else (usually an adult) dead and thinks that the dead person is asleep.

  • Straight: Alice is fatally shot by Emperor Evulz. Her little son, Bobby, walks up to her and says, "Wake up, mommy, wake up!"
  • Exaggerated:
    • Bobby sees Alice with her eyes gouged out and her limbs ripped off. He still asks Alice to wake up so "she can put herself back together again".
    • Bobby asks every dead person he sees to wake up.
  • Downplayed:
    • Alice is unconscious but Bobby thinks she's just taking a nap.
    • Bobby knows there's something wrong with Alice but doesn't know she's dead.
    • Alice suffers some form of Death of Personality and Bobby unsuccessfully tries to get her to go back to normal.
  • Justified:
    • Bobby is very young and doesn't know what death is.
    • Bobby is aware that Alice is dead—he's asking her to wake up out of denial.
    • Alice has undergone a Disney Death before, and Bobby thinks this is another one without knowing the context that she's been Killed Off for Real.
  • Inverted:
    • Bobby sees Alice sleeping on her bed. He then cries and says, "No! Mommy is dead!"
    • Bobby sees Alice walking in the house, and, for some reason, tells her, "Please sleep!"
  • Subverted:
    • Bobby then realizes Alice really is dead.
    • Charles, Bobby's dad, then says, "Your mommy's dead, Bobby."
    • It turns out that Alice really is still alive, and she wakes up.
  • Double Subverted:
    • He considers the possibility that Alice might be dead, but then brushes it off as ridiculous.
    • Bobby doesn't believe Charles and still asks Alice to wake up.
    • Which turns out to just be a Hope Spot, and she dies in Bobby's arms a few minutes later.
  • Parodied: Alice clearly is just sleeping but everyone else holds the Idiot Ball and acts as though she's dead, except for Bobby.
  • Zig-Zagged: Bobby can't make up his mind over whether Alice is asleep or dead.
  • Averted:
  • Lampshaded: "She's dead, not asleep... I wish she was asleep."
  • Enforced: The creators really want to make their audience cry.
  • Invoked: Bobby's brother, Danny tells that Alice is sleeping. Danny knows that she is dead.
  • Exploited: Emperor Evulz kills Alice knowing that Bobby will come to her body doing exactly this - then, all Emperor Evulz has to do is kidnap Bobby for himself.
  • Defied: Alice teaches Bobby from an early age how to tell if someone's asleep or unconscious or dead.
  • Discussed: "What if, like, I die or whatever and he thinks I'm asleep?"
  • Conversed: "Oh no, not the 'wake up, mommy' scene! I'm a huge sucker for that scene!".
  • Implied: Bobby is seen touching Alice in ways that suggest he's trying to wake her.
  • Played for Laughs: Bobby attempts to wake Alice up in absurd ways, like slapping her face.
  • Played for Drama: Bobby continues to deny that Alice is dead as he spends a while trying to get her to wake up, only to suffer a Heroic BSoD when he realizes that Alice really is gone.

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