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Playing With / Phenotype Stereotype

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Basic Trope: Stereotypical ethnic/national appearance.

  • Straight: The Token White Marie is a French girl in an anime, and sticks out from the cast by being blonde, blue-eyed, and taller than the Asian characters.
  • Exaggerated: Every white character is blonde, blue-eyed, and taller than Asians.
  • Downplayed:
    • Marie has either blue eyes or blond hair, but otherwise only sticks out in one way.
    • Marie has brown hair and eyes, but it's a lighter shade when compared to the Asians, and her height still makes her stand out from the Asian characters.
  • Justified: Marie's family largely has European ancestry, so of course, she'd develop traits associated with them.
  • Inverted: Marie looks like a stereotypical Asian while the Asian characters look anything but their heritages.
  • Subverted: Marie isn't French, but rather from Japan. It's just a stylistic choice on the creator's part.
  • Double Subverted: Only for it to turn out she's still ethnically French or at least has a French parent she takes after, but is still a Japanese citizen.
  • Parodied: Marie's blond hair and blue eyes practically glow with radiance in Japan, and all the dark-haired and eyed Asians swarm to gaze at her unique features.
  • Zig-Zagged: Marie has blond hair, but dark eyes, but is still taller than the cast, only to have darker skin as well, and her background covers a variety of ethnicities that don't actually include French, but she's still a French citizen.
  • Averted: Marie doesn't stick out in the anime and has the same Mukokuseki traits as the Asian characters.
  • Enforced: In order to promote diversity on the show's cast, Marie and other foreigners are drawn with traits not associated with Japanese people.
  • Lampshaded: "Gee, I wonder who the European is".
  • Invoked: The showrunners want to appeal to the French crowd and therefore design Maria with traits associated with its people so she sticks out.
  • Exploited: Marie plays up the angle of Foreign Fanservice and Gorgeous Gaijin to seduce guys into doing her bidding.
  • Defied:
    • The creator decides to design Marie as dark-skinned, short, and has brown hair and eyes, the opposite of what ethnic French is associated with.
    • Marie decides to dye her hair black, wear contacts, and suntan herself to blend in with Japanese people.
  • Discussed: The characters discuss what it means to be French, as Marie points out that while she fits the stereotype, France is a cosmopolitan nation whose citizens have all sorts of ancestry but still cling to French identity anyway. The idea of "looking" French is discussed to be controversial.
  • Conversed: The characters talk about how foreigners can be so easy to pick out in more homogenous nations like Japan since they carry at least a single trait not associated with its people.
  • Deconstructed: Lisa, who is also French but does not fit the stereotype, has a hard time convincing people she's French because people have a preconceived notion of what it means to be French. Marie too also gets weird treatment from her looks alone and gets the feeling she won't ever fit into Japanese society because she looks differently than others.
  • Played for Drama: Even though she's a Japanese citizen and identifies with Japan over France, Marie's appearance drawn from her French mother makes her the subject of verbal attacks from people who believe she'll never integrate. No one accepts her Japanese identity due to her look.
  • Played for Laughs: All characters are trying to find a French woman in a Japanese crowd, and all eyes point to Marie immediately as if she has a spotlight on her.
