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Playing With / People of Hair Color

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Basic Trope: The people of any given culture all have the same hair, eye, and skin color.

  • Straight: The residents of Tropestan all have blonde hair and blue eyes.
  • Exaggerated:
    • All the inhabitants on the entire planet have blonde hair and blue eyes. They also wear the same color clothes.
    • And they all look exactly alike, right down to their outfits (read: uniform). (Bonus points if they are actually all clones of each other.)
    • There are several different tribes or villages, each with its own hair color.
  • Downplayed: In any given culture, a few specific traits are especially common (generally due to being isolated from other ethnic groups), but not universally identical.
  • Justified:
    • The people of Tropestan preferred to breed amongst themselves (even if that meant marrying siblings or cousins), and did not allow anyone else into their country, in order to maintain their "purity."
    • Blonde hair and blue eyes are "in," and anyone who has access to hair dye and colored contacts can achieve this look.
    • This culture encourages uniformity, to enforce the idea that everyone is equally important (or unimportant.)
    • They're all clones or cyborgs.
    • Planet of Hats
  • Inverted: The people of Tropestan come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors. (Some of these colors are not found in nature at all, at least not in Real Life.)
  • Subverted: There are some people in Tropestan who have brown hair and brown eyes.
  • Double Subverted: It's revealed that these are wealthy citizens, who dye their hair and wear colored contact lenses to distinguish their social status. Most people have the same blonde hair and blue eyes they were born with.
  • Parodied:
    • They're all clones, and they all have the same first name, though they get upset if you confuse Alice A with Alice B, even though there's no way to distinguish them.
    • Bob comments on how the people of Tropestan all look exactly the same, and gets called a racist for it (even though they really do.)
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted: The people of Tropestan show a diversity of hair, skin, and eye colors.
  • Enforced: The producers had to choose between a set of actors that could portray the real culture but were all relatives of one another and a set of actors that were more diverse in looks but could only do stereotypes of the culture, they chose the former as being less problematic.
  • Lampshaded: "I'm fond of blue-eyed blondes, so it looks like we conveniently landed just in the right country !"
    • Perhaps with a breaking of the fourth wall and enforcing : The crew makes a stop in a country where all the inhabitants are of the same type, and expected to pick one autochton with them, because the show must promote ethnic diversity.
  • Invoked: Years of inbreeding have produced people who are almost exactly alike.
  • Exploited: A dictator rises to power, who commands uniformity to enforce equality. This requires changing hair, skin, and eye colors.
  • Defied: The people of Tropestan know that lack of genetic diversity is a problem, so intermarriage with other people is encouraged. As a result, different hair, eye, and skin colors appear.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???

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