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Playing With / Outdoor Bath Peeping

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Basic Trope: A woman is bathing outdoors and a man sneaks a peek at her.

  • Straight: Alice disrobes and takes a bath in a secluded lake. Bob stumbles upon the lake and watches her from behind some trees.
  • Exaggerated: Alice, along with many other women, bathes in the same secluded lake every day while a huge audience watches.
  • Downplayed: Alice wears a swimsuit to go swimming in the lake. Bob watches her from behind the trees, but they're so far away he can barely see anything.
  • Justified: Alice is attractive and not particularly attentive (or just doesn’t mind), and Bob is The Peeping Tom.
  • Inverted:
    • Bob takes a bath in the lake while Alice watches.
    • Alice watches Bob on the shoreline from the middle of the lake.
  • Subverted: Alice takes a bath in the lake while Bob stands guard against peepers.
  • Double Subverted: Bob also uses a small mirror to watch Alice over his shoulder.
  • Parodied:
    • Alice takes a bath in the lake, while Bob watches through a telescope from a zeppelin high above.
    • Alice goes into the water ... and then runs out of it screaming, covered in leeches. Bob curses her luck.
    • Alice prepares to go in for her bath ... and one of the locals castigates her for "Fouling their precious drinking water!"
    • Bill The Vietnam Vet turns the countryside between the male and female hot springs into a Death Course. Bob is such a determined pervert he is willing and able to brave mine fields, napalm strikes and sniper fire to get a good look at Alice's boobs.
  • Zig-Zagged: Alice takes a bath in one lake, Bob takes a bath in a nearby lake, and they both take turns trying to peep on each other.
  • Averted: Alice takes a bath in the lake while Bob reads a newspaper.
  • Enforced:
    • It's Sweeps week and Alice is stuck in the woods, so a bath in the lake is the easiest way to squeeze in a little nudity.
    • The writers are trying to build up Bob's reputation as a Covert Pervert.
  • Lampshaded: Bob's kid brother catches him sneaking off to the lake and asks if it's time for Alice's bath again.
  • Invoked: Alice loudly mentions that she's going to take a bath in the lake so that her teammates can steal Bob's MacGuffin while he's busy watching her.
  • Exploited: The Goldfish Poop Gang also hears Alice mention this, and tries to ambush Bob on his way there.
  • Defied: Before taking a bath in the lake, Alice ties up and blindfolds Bob so he can't try to watch.
  • Discussed: Alice tells her friend Brenda that she's going down to the lake for a bath, and Brenda tells her to be careful not to let Bob get a peek.
  • Conversed:
  • Implied: Alice goes off to have a bath, while we see Bob headed in the same direction in the background.
  • Deconstructed:
    • When Alice discovers Bob peeping on her, she finds his behavior creepy, and the incident damages their relationship.
    • Random rivers are not exactly fit for bathing, and Alice is swept away by the torrent of a seemingly-harmless river.
  • Reconstructed:
  • Played for Laughs: Alice constructs an elaborate system of booby traps to protect her bathing spot from naughty peepers, which Bob spends the entire episode trying to disarm and circumvent. By the time he finally reaches the lake, Alice has finished her bath and is either sitting there fully clothed, or gone.
  • Played for Drama:
    • Bob has discovered that the code to the MacGuffin's vault is tattooed across Alice's body, and he has to race to the lake where she's bathing to find out what it is before the villains do.
    • When Alice finds out Bob is so much as willing to do this to her, their relationship is completely destroyed.
  • Played For Horror: In-Universe horror, at least. Alice's concern of Bob doing this is not the "scoffing about foolish perverts" kind of concern, it's the "if he is willing to peep on me, he may be willing to rape me" kind of concern. She may even reveal that she is worried about this because it has already happened to her before.

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