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Playing With / Our Vampires Are Different

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Basic Trope: Vampires in media have differences from vampires in other media.

  • Straight: The vampires in Alice Vs Dracula have many similarities to the vampires from Bob, the Vampire Hunter. However, Alice's vampires burn in the sun, have no reflections, and retain their personalities when turned while Bob's vampires can survive direct sunlight, still cast reflections, and undergo a personality shift to evil among other things.
  • Exaggerated: The vampires in Alice Vs Dracula follow the Classical Movie Vampire template to perfection, but the vampires in Bob, the Vampire Hunter have so few similarities, they practically shouldn't be called vampires.
  • Downplayed: The vampires in Alice Vs Dracula are mostly similar to the vampires from Bob, the Vampire Hunter, except that Alice's vampires burn in the sun while Bob's do not.
  • Justified: Vampires developed under different circumstances in the two films leading to different appearances, strengths, and weaknesses.
  • Inverted: The vampires featured in Alice Vs Dracula and Bob, the Vampire Hunter are perfectly similar to each other, but the human characters have different abilities and weaknesses.
  • Subverted: "Burns in sunlight" is present in Alice Vs Dracula but not addressed in Bob, the Vampire Hunter at first, but we later see a vampire in Bob react in pain to being caught in the sun.
  • Double Subverted: However, it turns out Bob's vampire is only weakened by the sun and not killed outright.
  • Parodied: Vampires in Count Charlie develop a fear of hamsters upon turning and can be defeated by being pantsed.
  • Zig Zagged: Alice Vs Dracula and Bob, the Vampire Hunter are both subject to Vampire Variety Pack. Some of the different types of vampire in Alice have similarities to types of vampire in Bob and differences to other types.
  • Averted:
    • The vampires in Alice Vs Dracula are exactly like the vampires in Bob, the Vampire Hunter.
    • Neither Alice Vs Dracula nor Bob, the Vampire Hunter have any vampires in them. note 
  • Enforced: The films' writers felt that certain aspects limited their plots and changed them.
  • Lampshaded: "How did you become so evil when you became a vampire? That's not how it happens in the movies."
  • Invoked: Dracula in Alice Vs Dracula notices his progeny developing aspects like those commonly shown and introduces factors that cause them to develop different abilities and weaknesses.
  • Exploited: In-Universe vampire media in Bob, the Vampire Hunter commonly depicts them as not having mirror reflections. Bob tries to prove Count Charlie is a vampire by unveiling a mirror in front of him only for Charlie to show up in it.
  • Defied: The head vampire in Bob, the Vampire Hunter notices his progeny developing aspects not common in vampire lore and introduces factors to bring their aspects in line with common vampire lore.
  • Discussed: Alice and Bob (in their respective films) go over what they know about vampires in their universes with their companions to figure out how to defeat them.
  • Conversed: Diane and Eric watch Alice Vs Dracula, Bob, the Vampire Hunter, and Count Charlie and talk about how the vampires were different in each one.
  • Deconstructed: Bob tries to kill Count Charlie using methods firmly established by vampire media in his universe. Unfortunately, none of them work and Count Charlie is now rather enraged at him. Bob barely escapes with his life and finds himself back at square one in his quest to kill Count Charlie.
  • Reconstructed: Bob looks into the vampire media of his universe and notes the differences they themselves display. He turns to observing the vampires and noting their weaknesses and strengths, how to recognize them, and how to prevent victims from turning. He uses this newfound knowledge to defeat Count Charlie and his minions more effectively.
  • Played For Laughs: Bob tries to prove Charlie is a vampire by unveiling a mirror since vampire media in his universe commonly depicts vampires as having no reflection. Not only does Charlie show up in the mirror, he looks at his reflection and says "Hmm, I think I need a shave."
  • Played For Drama: Alice tries to kill Dracula with a wooden stake since that's established in common vampire media in her universe. It turns out the stake is only the first of the things she has to implement and she didn't prepare for the following steps.
  • Played For Horror: Vampires in the Alice Vs. Dracula-verse are Humanoid Abomination-types who are completely invincible and haven't annihilated or enslaved all of mankind because it would be boring. Dracula pretends to be killed by sunlight just to pull a prank on Alice and she dies a horrible death.

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