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Playing With / Only Has Same-Sex Admirers

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Basic Trope: A character has admirers of the same gender and only the same gender.

  • Straight: Bob is admired only by Charlie, Evan, and Geoffrey. Alice, Dana, and Felicia are all indifferent about him.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Charlie, Evan, and Geoffrey are hopelessly lovestruck every single time Bob is even remotely near them. Alice, Dana, and Felicia view him as downright repulsive.
    • Every single man in the world finds Bob attractive. Not a single woman in the world does.
  • Downplayed: Bob's admirers are mostly men with the occasional woman added to the mix.
  • Justified: Bob's appearance and mannerisms are more appealing to gay and bisexual men. Women, meanwhile, tend to either assume he is gay or just aren't into him.
  • Inverted: Bob is highly attractive to Alice, Dana, and Felicia. Charlie, Evan, and Geoffrey don't see any appeal in him at all.
  • Subverted: Hilda and Isidora join the cast later and find Bob quite attractive. Juan, meanwhile, is not impressed.
  • Double Subverted: Hilda and Isidora aren't impressed either after actually spending some time with Bob.
  • Parodied: Bob pretends to be an insufferable, homophobic dudebro to suppress his bisexuality and get his same-gender admirers off his back. This doesn't work because now he has Manly Gay admirers who are "not like those other gays".
  • Zig Zagged: Bob's luck with the opposite gender and the same gender depends on the day of the week.
  • Averted:
  • Enforced: Bob is in a Gay Romance series. The writer wants to sidestep the issue of Bob possibly having opposite-gender admirers. So Bob conveniently only catches the eye of other men.
  • Lampshaded: "It doesn't make sense. Not a single woman seems to think I'm hot but plenty of guys do?"
  • Invoked: Bob makes himself look more obviously, stereotypically gay in an attempt to deflect unwanted attention from women.
  • Exploited: Charlie uses the bisexual Bob's imbalance in gendered attention to gaslight him into believing he's a gay man in denial.
  • Defied: Bob changes his style and/or learns how to leverage his traits in a way that gets women swooning over him in addition to men.
  • Discussed: Building on Played for Drama: "You're straight but you tick every box for what gay folks around here find attractive. Of course your love life would be a mess."
  • Conversed: "You ever wonder why characters in these kinds of shows never get admirers outside their orientation? Just look at Bob. He's gay and looks like a stereotypical Seme but not a single Yaoi Fangirl finds him hot."
  • Implied: Bob checks out names on the gifts and greeting cards that are sent to him " from Alex, Charlie, Dannie, Evan, Frankie,..."
  • Deconstructed: Bob is bisexual but his lack of attention from and experience with women makes him feel insecure, like he isn't really bisexual.
  • Reconstructed: Bob moves on from said insecurity. He has a preference for men anyway.
  • Played For Drama: The classic Incompatible Orientation situation: Bob is straight but only gets attention from other men. Is he doomed to be loved only by people he cannot return feelings for?

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