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Playing With / Named by the Adaptation

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Basic Trope: A originally nameless character gets a name in an adaptation.

  • Straight: The class teacher was never named in the work she first appeared in, but the film adaptation name her as "Alice".
  • Exaggerated:
    • The teacher went from being nameless to having her full name revealed as "Alice Mary Jones".
    • The adaptation goes to the trouble of applying names to every character who was nameless in the source material, including those whose roles in the source material were insignificant at best, such as only appearing briefly in the background.
  • Downplayed:
    • Alice was already named in her original appearance, but the adaptation also reveal her last name to be "Jones".
    • Alice technically always had a name but it was never directly uttered until the latest adaptation she appeared in.
  • Justified: ???
  • Inverted:
    • Alice's name is never uttered in the adaptation.
    • "Alice" is revealed to be a Russian spy, making her real name unknown.
  • Subverted: After years of not knowing the teacher's name, the new film adaptation makes it look like she is finally about to reveal her name only to be interrupted.
  • Double Subverted: But then she raises her voice and manage to make it known that her name is Alice.
  • Parodied: ???
  • Averted:
    • The teacher is still nameless in the adaptation.
    • The teacher is named Alice in the original.
  • Enforced: The filmmakers thought the teacher had to be named as it would make her more memorable.
  • Invoked: ???

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