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Playing With / More Predators Than Prey

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Basic Trope: A given ecosystem has way too many carnivorous animals and way too few herbivorous ones.

  • Straight: The Bloody Jungle has about 3 known herbivorous species and at least 9 predatory ones.
  • Exaggerated: There aren’t any herbivores: the closes is a species of small scavenger which is the basis of the food chain.
  • Downplayed: Most of the predators are omnivores and do eat plant matter as well, but are unlikely to pass up potential prey.
  • Justified:
    • The area was recently ecologically devastated, with most herbivores dying.
    • It’s an area like the Antarctic tundra or a coral reef, that is like this in real life.
    • There's nothing that says a predator can't live on eating other predator species.
    • The herbivores are Explosive Breeders and the predators are not, the number of species per type says little about the number of specimens per type.
    • The predators are much smaller than their prey; it takes a huge pack to subdue one target, which can then feed the whole lot of them.
  • Inverted: The area has way too many herbivores species and only one predator.
  • Subverted:
    • The area is almost complete filled with herbivores, despite rumours of a ludicrous number of predatory species.
    • It turns out that the protagonists had only had the bad luck of encountering a lot of predators.
    • It turns out that some animals that persecute them were very aggressive herbivores.
    • Some of the apparent carnivores are actually omnivores and can perfectly eat plants.
  • Double Subverted:
    • It turns out those predators had migrated elsewhere, and the herbivores are now being swarmed by hundreds of meat-loving species.
    • Precisely due to the high population of carnivores.
  • Parodied: The area has so many frothing predators that the heroes can walk by in complete safety, knowing that they’ll just eat eachother and leave them alone.
  • Zig Zagged: It varies by seasons: In winter and summer, herbivores are abundant ad there are very few predators, but in autumn and spring a massive number of predator migrate through the land and kill off most the herbivores, leaving them with dominant numbers in those seasons.
  • Averted: Predators and prey are in realistic balance.
  • Enforced: It’s an unintended side effect of filling an RPG world with many enemies for the player to fight.
  • Lampshaded: “The hell do all these carnivores eat anyway?”
  • Invoked: A mad scientist uses genetic engineering to custom-build an ecosystem to defend his lair, and decide to fill it with predators to provide better deterrence.
  • Exploited: A Great White Hunter travels to the bloody jungle, knowing he’ll find a lot of good trophies there.
  • Defied: “There aren’t going to be THAT many predators. They al need to eat, y’know.
  • Discussed: “Jesus, it’s like its tigers all the way down over here! What happened to all the nice animals? Wait, never-mind, I think I can guess…”
  • Conversed: “Let’s face it most stories are more concerned with coolness than ecological suitability.”
  • Deconstructed: Eventually, the small herbivore supplies are overtaxed and they are driven to extinction. This causes the destruction of the ecosystem, with the overabundant predators starving to death.
  • Reconstructed: The predators mostly eat each other, and the smell of blood travels for miles around the area. This causes a vicious cycle, as the smell attracts even more hungry predators which both dine and are dined upon. These in turn make the smell even stronger, causing a kind of gory equilibrium.

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