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Playing With / Meta Twist

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Basic Trope: A twist that's usually there in most other works of this genre/author/time period/series isn't there.

  • Straight: In the Tropeland series, anyone who joins The Team halfway through the plot is commonly revealed to be a Manipulative Bastard, so readers of Tropeland 6 are shocked when someone joins halfway and never attempts to betray them.
  • Exaggerated: Every entry in the series has a twist ending except for Tropeland 6.
  • Downplayed: Usually, anyone who joins halfway through is The Mole, but in Tropeland 6 it's just a regular Jerkass who's using the team to get a better reputation.
  • Justified: The Team made a vow at the beginning of Tropeland 6 to make sure they can trust their new member before letting them in.
  • Inverted: The series is famous for having a smoothly flowing story with no plot twists whatsoever... except in Tropeland 6.
  • Subverted: The Sixth Ranger sticks around the whole way through, and it seems the twist has already been averted. Not only does he help them defeat the Big Bad, but he sticks around for a while to slay the Man Behind the Man... after which he reveals that he's been manipulating the team this entire time.
  • Double Subverted: The Sixth Ranger bursts out of a closet tied up and gagged and reveals that an imposter has been with them ever since the Big Bad went down.
  • Parodied: The series has a large cast, and only a small percentage of them try to betray the team. Yet whenever it's revealed that someone's motives aren't to manipulate the team, the narrator yells "WHAT A TWIST!"
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted: It seems like the creator wants to break the mold, but they go along with the regular plot twist anyway.
  • Enforced: After telegraphing the twist too easily in Tropeland 5, the creator is told to hold back on the mole subplot for the next installment.
  • Lampshaded: "Can we keep this guy? He's probably the only person we've met that hasn't turned on us."
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: After all of the betrayal Evulz has made the team endure, in Tropeland 6 he just sits back and does nothing, enjoying the ensuing Paranoia Gambit.
  • Defied: "I've always added an Obvious Judas in my works and I will always add an Obvious Judas in my works. If you don't like it, I can always add some other twists that I swear you are definitely going to hate even more."
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Implied: Alice is kicked out of the group for an apparent betrayal, but it then turns out she never talked to the villains, so it seems unlikely she actually betrayed them.

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...what? Were you expecting some "back to trope" gag?
